This is big news, CMON have announced their upcoming project destined for Gamefound. The team that brought us Marvel United, Bloodborne and the absolutely titan of a game that is Zombicide now brings The Adventurers to market.
It would appear CMON have taken on the rights to remake this classic game, published previously by an assortment of different publishers in the late 00’s/early 2010’s.
CMON has noted the heart of the classic game has been maintained but they have refined the rules. All the old sets are coming out with this crowdfunding campaign, “The temple of Chac”, “The pyramid of Horus”, “Tomb of the pirate Queen”.
There is also plenty of new content. There will be new game mechanics, artwork, miniatures, characters, gear and treasure. Plenty of crowdfunding promos are to follow with this as well making it oh so appealing. CMON are truly excellent at crowdfunding promos.
I never played the original but this looks to have such an Indiana Jones feel to it. It’s noted as quite a light game with plenty of luck moments from the dice rolled to the cards drawn. All round it looks fantastic.
There have been some truly brilliant board games over the years that didn’t get full recognition as they were way ahead of their time. The market is so much busier with so many more people playing these games than ever before that it gives a huge opportunity to rediscover some gems out there. I hope CMON has a huge success with this one.