Hold the front page! Firaxis have announced the release of the latest version of Sid Mieier’s iconic Civilization game – Civilization VII - scheduled for release in 2025.
If that seems a long way off and currently details of what is in it are almost non-existant, they have announced that August 2024 will see the release of the full details of what to expect when the game actually comes to light. All we have so far is the promise that it will return with a revolutionary new chapter with” exciting new features and innovations”
Well, not quite all, for we do now have an Official Teaser Trailer.
Various steers towards potential content have been gleaned from this including suggested civilisations :
Mongols etc.
This from looking at the statuesque visuals on the trailer. You can look at it yourself and jump to your own conclusions. Here : https://youtu.be/pygcgE3a_uY
It does, of course, cover all ages from Ancient times up to the Space race but then it would hardly be Civilization if it didn’t!
One interesting nugget is this background picture that was used in an error screen. It looks like the graphic style that will be used in CIV VII. If so it is a welcome return to more realistic scenery than the cartoony graphics of CIV VI.
Various pundits have put forward things they believe will be present including one source that attributed an in-game reward that you will get in CIV SIX for signing up to news releases as if it was going to be in CIV SEVEN. It’s always important to read the small print!
Lots of chatter about what people would like to see in VII. Mostly better AI and enhanced Diplomacy. It is annoying when you retaliate against an unprovoked attack and the other nations regard you as a warmonger! For myself I’d like to see improved trading and not get frozen out of the market with ridiculous demands when you start to get ahead.
One thing we do know is that Civ VII will be simultaneously released on a raft of platforms as well as its traditional home on the PC – PS5/PS4, XBOX SERIES X/S, XBOX ONE and Nintendo SWITCH.
So that’s it until I can give an update in August. In the meantime if you haven’t played CIV so far then CIV VI is available on PC and consoles now.
Alternatively you can try some of the tabletop versions : Civilization, Path of Civilization, Through the Ages or the Imperium series.
So it shall be!