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  • Artwork
  • Complexity
  • Replayability
  • Player Interaction
  • Component Quality

You Might Like

  • Warhammer have had some of the coolest artwork going for years and the art on offer in Champions of Slaanesh is some of their best.
  • The whole Champions of Slaanesh boxset screams quality... Opening it feels the same as unboxing a high-end piece of tech.
  • The metallic pink around the codex pages and datacards is beautiful.

Might Not Like

  • The models in Champions of Slaanesh are not the easiest builds.
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Champions of Slaanesh – Emperor’s Children Army Set Review

After many years of minimal representation from games workshop, the Emperors Children are back and they are blasting their symphonies of slaanesh across the 41st millennium with their new range refresh including all the wonderfully excessive models you would expect. At the forefront of their chaotic invasion is the Champions of Slaanesh – Emperor's Children Army Set, the optimal way to start an emperor's children army in Warhammer 40000 10th edition. Before we get into all of the goodies included inside the boxset, we should discuss who the Emperor’s Children actually are.

Who are the Emperor’s Children

The Emperors Children are the 3rd legion of the astartes they were proud and loyal to the emperor being some of his best space marines as proved as they sport his icon and name on the battlefield. But, eventually loyalty to the emperor of mankind stopped as their primarch Fulgrim fell to the temptations of the dark god Slaanesh and the legion fell to chaos. Now they thrive searching for new sensations and even more ways to revel in excess.

Now the mini Warhammer 40,000 history lesson’s over, here is what you will find in this army box.

What's in the Box?

First of all, the box has a sleeve over the main box, you slide this off to reveal the beautiful illustration on the front of the sleeve without the “Warhammer 40000 Champions of Slaneesh” obscuring it. Open this box with the folding devices on the side to reveal another box containing sprues and sprues of miniatures.

These miniatures are:

· Lord Exultant (The Army leader of the Box)

· 12 Noise Marines (Technically 10 Noise Marines and 2 Disharmonists)

· 20 Tormentors/Infractors (the faction exclusive legionaries alternative)

After you remove all the sprues you will find a black sheet with the Warhammer logo take it out to reveal a stunning folder sort of thing which inside includes the limited-edition version of the Emperors Children data cards and codex buth with a metallic pink trim around the edge of the paper that looks far cooler than it has any right to!

The data cards include a card for every single unit in the codex, for easy reference for rules and stats when playing the game.

The Codex has a fantastic front cover and some lovely* illustrations inside alongside this it contains the Emperor’s Children lore and rules for all you need to play the faction in 40k.

*the loveliness of the artwork is based on if you think the underlings of the chaos lord of excess and dark sensations can look lovely.

Finally, if you take out the space themed insert where the folder fits in at the bottom of the box you will find some emperors children transfers and the bases for the models in the box.

My Thoughts

In my opinion the Champions of Slaanesh box set proves to be a great way to start or expand an Emperor’s Children army. I have only just started building the minis included and they seem to be relatively easy to build. So far, they have all looked really cool when fully built too.

My only complaint so far is the lord exultant’s cape! It being particularly tricky to get on you have to continue moving the weapon hoping it sticks moving the weapon hoping it sticks MOVING THE WEAPON HOPING IT STICKS!!! It took quite a while to get him done right.

Despite the hefty price tag the Champions of Slaanesh box represents a really good deal. The quantity of big, high quality, models seem to justify the price alone. Add in the codex book and data cards that also feel such premium items and it represents a must-have item for fans of this chapter.

There was some controversy amongst the community that certain Chaos Space Marines will not be available to players running an Emperor’s Children army, the good news is that this box is going to leave you enough surplus bits to get convert old miniatures to proxy versions of new units.

Zatu Score


  • Artwork
  • Complexity
  • Replayability
  • Player Interaction
  • Component Quality

You might like

  • Warhammer have had some of the coolest artwork going for years and the art on offer in Champions of Slaanesh is some of their best.
  • The whole Champions of Slaanesh boxset screams quality... Opening it feels the same as unboxing a high-end piece of tech.
  • The metallic pink around the codex pages and datacards is beautiful.

Might not like

  • The models in Champions of Slaanesh are not the easiest builds.

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