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Bush’s Board Game Thing Episode 39: Travelling Solo!

Bush's Board Game Thing Episode 39 Feature Image

Do up your seatbelts and get ready for a trip! Bush's Board Game Thing sees Andy Bush celebrating board games and the experience of gaming with friends Brian Murphy and Eloise Carr. Each week, expect passion, enthusiasm, and multiple trips through gaming wormholes. This podcast is powered by Zatu - we're making sure the board game cogs keep on turning. Each week, I'll be bringing you the best bits here on the blog and letting you shop the podcast! To help those having staycations here in the UK, here are games to take on holiday!

Do you have something that you'd like to share with the team? Maybe a great board game idea? Even when and where you like to listen to the podcast, set the scene. Email if you want to get involved with the podcast. For example, if you have any board game disputes, let Andy and co get to the bottom of it!

In this episode, Andy Bush talks about games you can take travelling while missing his co-hosts. Listen to this special solo episode while you wait for Season 4 of Bush' Board Game Thing to start in September! Well that's enough rambling, here are some of the games featured in this episode!

The Tiny Epic Series

We're starting off with not one game, not two, but loads! The Tiny Epic series of games provides a small game on an abundance of themes. Each game comes in an appropriately small box, matching roughly the size of a letter. Slot one (or several!) of these games into your travel bag and have a game with your family. Even if you have no one to play with, Tiny Epic games have you covered! Every Tiny Epic game has a solo mode to play, so you don't even have to get others involved. However, we doubt anyone will be able to refuse all of the games, as there's a theme for everyone, whether it's pirates, space, or fantasy!

OK Play

Next up is a game from the renowned Big Potato Games! OK Play is a connect 4 style game, except it's connect 5 and you don't have to worry about gravity. Players take it in turns laying square discs (an oxymoron, I know) and trying to create a row of 5 anywhere on your play surface! This game doesn't just have to be played as a one-on-one either, as there are enough colours for a group of people to battle it out for table domination! Work together to stop a player from winning, or sabotage a friend's row to get on their nerves. And just to top it off, it takes up no space at all!

Railroad Ink Challenge

Rounding it off, we have a travel game about travel! Railroad Ink Challenge is a Roll and Write game in which you score points with trains. Roll the dice and mark your board, expanding your train line to connect the exits on the board. Add railways, highways and stations to your line to collect points, but plan ahead, because you will suffer point losses for any open lines you have by the end of the game! This game comes in a small square box with a magnetic flip lid. The boards are laminated, so the dry-wipe pen can be wiped off for your next game!

Go Out And Explore (Your Board Game Collection)

Check out all of the mentioned games in episode 39 of Bush's Board Game Thing, and get to playing these travel-sized games on your trips! Whether you need to kill time on a train journey, or want something to play on a rainy staycation, these games won't go awry!

You can catch up on all previous episodes of Bush’s Board Game Thing on any streaming service. In the meantime, you can check out our podcast-approved collection right here on the Zatu website. There you can find all the games we’ve discussed on every episode of the podcast, all in one convenient place.

You can shop everything from episode 39 in our podcast collection here!