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Bush’s Board Game Thing Episode 37: Racing Game

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Ready, set. go! Bush's Board Game Thing sees Andy Bush celebrating board games and the experience of gaming with friends Elouise Carr and Brian Murphy. Each week, expect passion, enthusiasm, and multiple trips through gaming wormholes. This podcast is powered by Zatu - we're making sure the board game cogs keep on turning. Each week, I'll be bringing you the best bits here on the blog and letting you shop the podcast! In this episode, Andy and the gang are taking a look at the best racing games!

Do you have something that you'd like to share with the team? Maybe a great board game idea? Even when and where you like to listen to the podcast, set the scene. Email if you want to get involved with the podcast. For example, if you have any board game disputes, let Andy and co get to the bottom of it!

This week Andy, Brian, and Elouise take a look at the best racing games. From drag racing to cycling to rallying robots, Bush's Board Game Thing has it all. Andy and Brian even share some of their favourite arcade games they played way, way, wayyyyy back when. Without further ado - here are some of our favourite racing games mentioned in the podcast!


A reprint of sorts of the classic racing game, Top Race, by Wolfgang Kramer, Downforce is a classic Formula One racing game, with a little extra something to get your heart (and cars) racing.

A race track embodies the board and players must attempt to cross its finish line before the other cars using cards. However, the winner is not simply determined by who crosses the checkered flag first, but also by who has acquired the most money by the end of the game. You collect this cash by placing bets throughout the game.

This is not your average racing game. Downforce comes with a variety of twists and turns including an asymmetrical player power start, roadblocks, and triggers.

Flamme Rouge

Like a bull is called to a matador's red flag, riders in this game are called to the Flamme Rouge. (That's the red flag that signifies the finish line is coming up). Set in the early 20th century world of bicycle racing, Flamme Rouge accompasses the aesthetic of the era for a beautifully thematic game.

Alongside its aesthetically pleasing set, Flamme Rouge offers player's the opportunity to design their own game and its length. Cunning and slickability are also needed for this game, with chances to slipstream to get ahead of other riders. Tactics can also change at various points of this game so keep your eyes on the prize, or the flamme rouge, and watch out for fatigue...

Robo Rally 

After a long week toiling at the factory conveyor belt, the robots host their own rally using the high-speed supercars they've built in the days before. To conquer this game, players will need speed, wit, and cunning.

Players will move their chosen robot using cards, however, watch out for the obstacles obstruction your victory along the way. Players and their robots will face industrial lasers and deep pits while trying to cross the finish line.

To win, you must reach all the checkpoints, and you must do it first.

Skrrrttt Summary

That's Bush's Board Game Thing Episode 37 all wrapped up!

You can catch up on all previous episodes of Bush’s Board Game Thing on any streaming service. In the meantime, you can check out our podcast-approved collection right here on the Zatu website. There you can find all the games we’ve discussed on every episode of the podcast, all in one convenient place.

You can shop everything from episode 37 in our handy podcast collection.