Stop in the name of the lore! Bush's Board Game Thing sees Andy Bush celebrating board games and the experience of gaming with friends Elouise Carr and Brian Murphy. Each week, expect passion, enthusiasm, and multiple trips through gaming wormholes. This podcast is powered by Zatu - we're making sure the board game cogs keep on turning. Each week, I'll be bringing you the best bits here on the blog and letting you shop the podcast! Join Andy, Brian, and Eloise as they venture into the world of detective games and the art of solving crime!
Do you have something that you'd like to share with the team? Maybe a great board game idea? Even when and where you like to listen to the podcast, set the scene. Email [email protected] if you want to get involved with the podcast. For example, if you have any board game disputes, let Andy and co get to the bottom of it!
Alongside the element of crime, the gang looks at postal versions of these games. That means games that can be played singularly, as a group. Let me explain, you take your turn via an email or even a pizza box, send it off, and the next person does the same!
Detective: A Modern Crime Game
First up is Detective: A Modern Crime Game. In this game, you need to solve 5 different, but interlinked cases. Only the snoopiest of sleuths will be able to hack this one. Don't get tangled up in the intertwined cases or you could end up on the entirely wrong track.
The unique part of this detective game is that it can be played via an online web portal! The web app allows players to match fingerprints, follow leads, and interview victims and suspects. This creates an interesting fusion between traditional board games and those using technology and it does it very well compared to some of its predecessors.
Chronicles of Crime
Chronicles of Crime really brings classic board gaming into the modern age and it does so very well. You need a smartphone and app for this one. Do not let this put you off though, the technology needed only adds to the amazing synergised gameplay.
With Chronicles of Crime, you can even inspect a crime scene. This is part of the game's VR Module attachment. This game immerses you in the life of a detective on the edge, more than any other, and is a must for board game/crime fans alike!
Detective: City of Angels
Join the beat on the mean streets of 1940s Los Angeles. This is a game for 1-5 players, and while most will take on the role of a dirty cop, hellbent on arresting a suspect by whatever means necessary, one player will take on the role of The Chisel, whose only goal is to stall and misdirect the detectives at every turn.
Detective: City of Angels is perfect for anyone with an analytical brain and a poker face. Bluffing is the aim of the game. Divert your rival cops trying to get the glory for your just don't know who the perp is yet. However, that's not a problem for you, a loose cannon who is willing to break the rules to get a result.
That's Bush's Board Game Thing Episode 30 all wrapped up!
You can catch up on all previous episodes of Bush’s Board Game Thing on any streaming service. In the meantime, you can check out our podcast-approved collection right here on the Zatu website. There you can find all the games we’ve discussed on every episode of the podcast, all in one convenient place.
You can shop everything from episode 30 in our handy podcast collection.