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Board Game Night For Newbies


Got some friends who you want to introduce to board games but not sure which games might be right? You could go down the party games route and there is nothing wrong with that! Who doesn’t love a good party game? But, what if you want to introduce them to something to entice them into the hobby? Here is what I would choose:

1. Sushi Go

Sushi go was one of the first card games I was introduced to at my local board game club and found it so easy to pick up. This is a set collection card game where you need to make certain combinations of Sushi restaurant staples to score the most points. This works on a draft and pass card system where you have a hand of cards, chose the card you want to keep from that hand and pass it on to the player on your left or right! This takes place over 3 rounds and the player with the most points wins! If your friends enjoyed this game, you could introduce them to Village Green or Arboretum!

2. Flamecraft

What better way to attract your friends into the board game hobby than a game with adorable meeples and illustrated cards? In Flamecraft, players take on the role as flamekeepers who visit various shops around the towns. Flamekeepers can either visit stores to gather resources they need to buy enchantments or buy an enchantment to enhance a store futher. There are 6 types of dragon (bread, iron, plant, potion, meat and crystal) and it will become apparent which shops to visit to benefit your gameplay as each type of dragon will grant you a different ability to do on your turn. Enchanting shops will gain you reputation points. The player with the most reputation points wins the game! The perfect game to pull people into wanting to play more games! If your friends enjoyed this game, you could introduce them to other strategic games with amazing artwork like Wingspan or Meadow!

3. Tinderblox

Finally, Tinderblox. Why not end your board game night with an adorable mini dexterity game? In Tinderblox, players are attempting to build a campfire. Each turn, players draw a card from the campfire deck which will instruct them to either place a log (brown pieces), an ember (yellow and red cubes) or a combination of both. This will be done with some tweezers. The cards might indicate you to place these components in a particular way or using your non-dominant hand. If you drop anything, you are considered a fire hazard and removed from the game. The player who is the last one standing wins the game! If this is a hit with your friends, you may want to introduce them to games like The Fuzzies, Men at Work or Junk Art.