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star wars legion card pack ii

Star Wars Legion Card Pack II Review

You're probably here because you're a fan of Star Wars Legion. Here is our review on Upgrade Card Pack II!

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the hunt for gollum

The Hunt For Gollum Adventure Pack Review

Matthew Morgan 10/10/2022

Hello fellow Lord of the Rings fan. We are here today to take a peak at the Hunt for Gollum adventure pack! I hope you're ready.

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Regicide Review

Jessica Walker 07/10/2022

Regicide is a fantasy themed cooperative card game. Let's just say... you're going to want to win this one...

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Warmaster Heavy Battle Titan

Adeptus Titanicus: Warmaster Heavy Battle Titan Review

Matthew Morgan 07/10/2022

The Warmaster Heavy Battle Titan is the ultimate addition to any Adeptus Titanicus army. One for those who are looking for a challenge...

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Sylvaneth Warscroll Cards

Sylvaneth Warscroll Cards Review

Matthew Morgan 05/10/2022

Sylvaneth Warscroll - 28 tokens to help you keep track of your armies abilities, atrefacts, command points and even more!

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labyrinth rpg

Labyrinth The Adventure Game Review

Labyrinth: The Adventure Game RPG. An absolute staple in a collectors world! Streamlined rules system fully included in the book too!

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the hobbit

The Hobbit Boardgame Review

James Arthey 04/10/2022

Guide Bilbo in your own game of the Hobbit and plunder the dragon Smaug's lair! Designed by well-known Reiner Knizia.

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Sylvaneth Drycha Hamadreth Review

Matthew Morgan 04/10/2022

Drycha Hamadreth named herself the Regent of the Outcasts. Sounds interesting! She has a lack of control and bloody-minded urges...

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Las Vegas Royale Review

Las Vegas Royale Review

Jim Cohen 03/10/2022

Las Vegas Royale has the perfect synergy of luck and choice. You will be forever pondering where you place your dice!

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Corrosion Review

Ruth Deller 30/09/2022

Clang! Clang! Clang! The metal is clattering and the engines are rattling. What game are we in? We're in Corrosion.

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