Betrayal Legacy, a haunted mansion stands before you what should you do, well explore of course, separate from your group members, stick together, collect items, all the fun of Betrayal at house on the hill and the longevity of the Legacy game genre combined.
The game has been bought, now its time to assemble the regular game group for this one, need a minimum of 3, maximum of 6 regular players, as each game will impact the next one played. Imagine a TV series where you’re left on a cliffhanger for the next episode.
But there in lies the rub, what if you can’t get your core gaming group together, or if you do, nobody can commit to consistently meeting up every week or would want to play the same game. This is the other side to the game.
Betrayal, with its major basis on Betrayal at house on the hill, is a tile placement quest game which part way through when enough ‘Omens’ are revealed will change the game play up, to make it more challenging, usually separating one player against the rest.
Having struggled to get this game to the table it is difficult to write a fully comprehensive review of the game play in its entirety, as whenever it is game night it’ll be a different game wanted to be played or not a long game, something short, not the same players, multiple factors always come into play.
Upon opening the box, you are presented with a healthy chunk of carboard and components of high quality to play with, structure and guidance is provided for what should be opened and when, helping to streamline the game play and legacy part of the game. This I have to admire for the price tag, knowing you are getting a truly thematic game, followed by the stand-alone version is always worth it.
This however is my point as great a game as it could be / Is, I would recommend one of two options depending on what you are looking for in a Betrayal game:
Option one: For a quick game that doesn’t require the investment in time and can be more flexible shall I say, go for Betrayal at house on the Hill and stand alone pick up and play as and when you want version. You still get the thematic element but not as deeply rich and involving as you would if you got betrayal Legacy.
Option Two: Betrayal Legacy, Highly Thematic, not to say Betrayal at house on the hill isn’t but the idea of a Legacy game is to leave you wanting more, to draw you in after each game. Keeping the same players, and then at the end you’ll have a stand-alone game to play anyway, you’ll have to complete the Legacy part first.
In conclusion I think its more down to the time you have available for Gaming and the group of friends you can pull together for this. It boils down to how busy is your daily life, and what type of game drives you to play it. Do you want a quick game to sit and play, then next time play something different, or do you want to commit to that weekly game of the same genre for the next few weeks to come. I leave this open for discussion, but for now enjoy whichever game you next purchase that is what is counts, plus Victory points usually, they count alot.