Bearers. Eikons. Dominants. A world with these should be a world of great curiosity and fantastic spectacle. And don’t get me wrong, it is. But it’s also a horrifying one, where injustice is rampant and the remarkable is suppressed.
In the land of Valisthea, magick users are persecuted and enslaved by the mundane. These second-class citizens are called Bearers, forced to keep fires burning in hearths, heal the wounded, chill perishable goods, or even to be playthings of children. They are considered expendable tools: once their powers are used up, they succumb to the “crystal’s curse”, their bodies petrifying in an excruciating slow calcification towards death.
Broody but passionate, tender-hearted Clive is one of the most “chosen-one”-y of any Chosen One in a video game. He’s a Bearer, but born into privilege: as the first son of the Archduke of the Grand Duchy of Rosaria, he is treated far better than the Bearers born in other realms. That is, until tragedy tears Clive’s family apart, his kingdom falls, and he must take his place in the battle between the nations of Valisthea and learn more about the secrets of the Eikons.
The combat system is fresh and flashy, with Clive able to access the power of the Eikons to unleash powerful abilities. Eikons, similar to Summons in other Final Fantasy games, are gods or monsters with mighty magick powers representing different elements, such as Pheonix for fire or Shiva for ice. Clive, as the protagonist, can access them all throughout the game—a feat no other Eikon user has ever done. Chosen One, indeed.
With plenty of abilities to draw upon during your angsty journey throughout the kingdoms, the question is: which are the best to use in Final Fantasy XVI?
Take heed: there be spoilers abound for Final Fantasy XVI gameplay, but none for plot. I swear on mine own life.
5. Wings of Light
Bahamut is of the toughest Eikons out there, with several sizzling Light abilities that can really dazzle any opponent.
Wings of Light releases a wave of powerful light projectiles that hit multiple enemies in a wide area. It’s a fantastic option when you’re surrounded, giving you the breathing room needed to regroup and gear up for your next combo. After you activate it, the ability launches continuous beams of light, so you can deal consistent damage even whilst dodging and moving freely to prepare yourself for the next onslaught. Wearing down tougher enemies requires moves like this to deal chip damage over the course of a long battle, and this Area of Effect (AoE) ability is just the ticket.
I also just love Clive spreading those Bahamut wings when the ability is activated, allowing him to float above the battleground with daunting grace. The image is so haunting, and I never tire of watching the mini cut scene every time I launch the move.
The best part? It provides fantastic synergy for plenty of Clive’s other abilities. Use it with Mega Flare or Flare Breath to help build up the Stagger gauge, which, when filled, allows you to deal critical hits and additional damage.
4. Diamond Dust
I love using ice moves in combat. The crisp sounds of twinkling snowflakes and cracking ice are always so satisfying. Accompanied with sparkling visuals and flurries of snow, they are some of my favourite abilities to chain just for the aesthetic.
Diamond Dust is chilling Eikon Shiva’s ultimate attack. Clive summons a winter storm that freezes enemies around him in place before dealing a massive amount of damage and knocking them back. This wide area of attack makes it effective in situations where Clive is surrounded by multiple enemies, giving you more control over crowded battlefields. Its ability to freeze enemies caught in its icy blast means that they are temporarily immobilised, leaving them vulnerable to follow-up attacks or allowing you to focus your attention on the most powerful foe in the room.
But it’s not all to do with its impressive damage output. The Stagger bar is filled much faster with the extra damage Diamond Dust inflicts. It’s an excellent defensive tool, as it gives Clive a much-needed respite in longer battles. He can heal, reposition, or escape as required. With all the exciting and fast-paced things going on in this game’s combat, sometimes you just need a breather!
If you have an enemy who can’t warm up their little tootsies on a chilly winter’s night (or, as some might say, a disadvantage against ice-based attacks), then Diamond Dust can really exploit their weakness.
Basically, it’s a great all-round, devastating move that I never go to battle without.
3. Rising Flames
Rising Flames is one of Clive’s default abilities as part of the Pheonix’s arsenal—the first Eikon of Final Fantasy XVI. And I kept it throughout the whole story. What does that tell you?
Rising Flames emits a burst of fire that erupts upward in a pillar, dealing damage to enemies directly in front of and around Clive. Its vertical trajectory can hit multiple enemies in close proximity, making it useful for both single-target and group damage. While not as much of an AoE attack as Wings of Light or Diamond Dust, if you aim it at a group of enemies clustered together, there’s a good chance they’ll all be damaged simultaneously.
Plus, it can break through blocks and punish staggered enemies even more. It’s got severe juggle potential due to its ability to launch enemies into the air, creating an opportunity for aerial combos and allowing you to follow up with additional attacks. Avoid retaliation and deal extra damage? Sign me up.
With a tasty, low cooldown of 20 seconds, feel free to bust this bad boy out left, right and centre to drop some decent damage without leaving Clive too vulnerable.
2. Flames of Rebirth
What would a Pheonix ability set be without some kind of healing or reincarnation element?
Flames of Rebirth, one of the later Pheonix abilities, summons a huge pillar of fire that burns all enemies caught within the flames. The “rebirth” part is seen in its healing ability. Its built-in recovery effect is a unique take on an ability in Final Fantasy XVI, and is super useful when you need a quick boost to get you out of a tough spot. Taking damage is inevitable in long or difficult fights, and it reduces the need for consumables like potions—which, unlike in other games, are limited.
One of the most useful parts of Flames of Rebirth is that it’s got a relatively fast activation time. When Clive needs immediate healing, or when enemies are grouped together, it’s perfect to inflict huge damage before they can react. The only downside to this is that it has a slow cooldown of 120 seconds to even out its power against potential overuse. It might make sense, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it.
It's also just a beautiful ability. The Phoenix’s wings shoot out of Clive’s back, and red flames and blue magick swirl all around him as he allows the power to burst out of him with a satisfying cry. It made the colour-changing lights on my TV very fun to play with!
This list has made me realise I really appreciate AoE abilities. This blatant lack of need for precision is so useful—hence why Flames of Rebirth is nearly the very best ability you can get for Mr Clive I-Will-Run-Straight-Into-Any-Danger-Without-A-Thought Rosfield.
1. Gigaflare
The Eikon of Light. One of the most powerful of all. And Gigaflare is one of its most powerful abilities.
As soon as I saw Bahamut using a similar attack against Clive, I knew I needed it in my arsenal. It’s an ultimate-level attack that unleashes a concentrated burst of energy with a visually impactful, cinematic explosion of light, really making you feel like you are revving up for something truly special, like Goku with a Kamehameha. It lasts quite a while, dealing massive damage to a single target.
Unlike many other abilities, Gigaflare can be used long-range. Dealing this kind of damage from afar is invaluable, particularly against huge, powerful bosses that can swipe at or stamp on you with powerful melee attacks if you dare to get too close. This adds a differentiating, strategic layer to Gigaflare, making it a lot of fun to combo with other abilities.
Gigaflare is my favourite ability to use as a finisher, too. When an enemy’s Stagger gauge is close to being filled, I love cracking out the move to push them over the edge and deal a devastating blow that can either incapacitate or even outright defeat them. Maximising its impact at the right moment in combat is just so satisfying.
Maybe I just want to be Goku. Either way, Gigaflare is the one hard-hitting, damage-dealing, flashy move that I’ll always grab every time I play.
Wrap Up
There are plenty of other Eikons and abilities to take advantage of, and everyone will have their own playstyle. Maybe you love Titan or Garuda more than my picks, and have a completely different experience when battling in the Final Fantasy XVI universe.
Do you have a perfect Clive build to take on the gods AND discrimination? Let us know via our Zatu socials!