Dice have some major games to their name including the Star Wars Battlefront series and Mirror’s Edge. However, Battlefield is, without a doubt, their longest-running franchise. Over the years, Battlefield has grown into an award-winning series, one that has a substantial following. So when the trailer dropped for Battlefield 2042, fans of the franchise were first to react.
Although the last iteration of Battlefield flopped on a global scale. Starting with a controversial trailer, Battlefield V to simply put it failed to give the fans what they wanted or deserved. Low quality, unfrequented content drops and a lack of fundamental Battlefield specific gameplay made this the egregious game it is. Most of the community left and went back to BF1 which was released two years prior.
To say this reveal in particular has been anticipated by fans all over the world is an understatement. And I would imagine it to be a very anxiety-driven moment for Dice. Having had time to think about what was aired and sift through the general feedback let me take you through the pros and cons of this trailer.
Back to the Basics
Firstly, let me start by saying this trailer, for the majority, has everyone praying for October 22nd (the revealed date of release) to come as quick as possible!
Straight from the word go we are transported into the world of Battlefield. As camouflage men and women scatter from an exploding plane hurtling towards them, the person we are viewing is knocked off the cliff, immediately free falling towards the ground. Scrambling to steady yourself as the plane plummets past you, you eventually manage to spread your wings (the suit's wings) and glide off through the smoke that engulfs the bottom of the mountain.
Immediately you are reminded that this is the sandbox ‘this could only happen in Battlefield’ experience that players have been craving for a while. Whilst Battlefield 1 is a fantastic title, I can’t remember witnessing a moment like this starting scene since Battlefield 3.
If that isn’t enough for you, later on in the trailer we see two jet fighters going at each other. As they pierce through the clouds, the fighter being followed ejects himself. He then fires a rocket launcher at the other plane. Then he lands back in his own plane to continue onward. Yes, that is farfetched. Yes, I do understand it may not be to everyone’s liking but where else are you ever going to get a rush like that. That is what Battlefield is all about and I am all for it!
Back to the Future
Some of the criticism I have seen specifically targets when the game is set. All pointing out that it is way too futuristic. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare really took the series away from what it was, delving too far into things and making it complicated. From what I’ve seen I can’t see Battlefield following the same path, and here’s why.
The introduction of Robot Dogs and the wingsuit is a particular focus. Both of which are real things in this day and age. Boston Dynamics are currently developing Robot Dog’s or Robots with four legs (not too sure what they’re being called.) The wingsuit is a common skydiving piece of equipment. 2042 is the year set for this game. They haven’t included anything, from what I could see, that hasn’t already been created.
Back to Environmental Hazards
The Environment is a consistent talking point with this game. On one hand, you cannot help looking around to marvel at what is happening all around you. The graphics have always been exemplary, creating as I’ve mentioned before ‘The Battlefield Experience’ that you can’t access anywhere else. On the other hand, the number of haphazard deaths that occur at any given moment can be frustrating when it is completely out of your control.
So seeing a massive tornado rip through an entire city is both breathtaking and gut-wrenching. If Dice can really get this aspect of the game nailed, it will be a welcome sight in the game. Especially playing on the next-generation console. It will be the perfect opportunity to showcase the capabilities of the next generation. However, if they can’t, I can really see this being a big problem for some gamers. Being hit by a car whilst it’s flying out of the tornado or stuck by lightning whilst on a kill streak would slowly chip at anyone's patience.
This may also be detrimental to the gameplay. Battlefield has always had a lovely flow. The gameplay is nonstop, as soon as you’re down you’re back in the fight in no time at all. If environmental damage is at the forefront of this game it may cause players to ‘camp’ and wait in a specific place until the danger has passed.
Everything you expect to see in a Battlefield game is there. E3 will only further our excitement for the gameplay However, the overall feel of this reveal trailer is positive. Dice have really stepped up to revitalise this community and bring them the usual Battlefield experience with a bunch of new ones on top.
Battlefield 2042 is scheduled for the 22nd of October with a Beta available in early July.