Ahsoka Tano is a simple miniature to build with only one choice of pose and details and not too many components to put together, due to her finer detail and more nimble components you have to be careful not to cut off too much and ruin the model or cause it to snap. As with all atomic mass game legion miniatures there is a lack of instructions but this is not a major problem as you can either work out how the miniature goes together or find the instructions online.
Painting Ahsoka is fairly challenging but also very rewarding as she has a lot of fine detail that needs careful attention to complete to a good detail. The areas to watch out for are all in her head with both her head tails and the details on her face. Take care and time with the model, making sure not to rush to get her done, to paint her the steps that I followed were:
- The fang - covering the entire model and used for the majority of her clothing
- Leadbelcher - all metallic details of the model
- Mephiston red - small red details on the suit
- Nuln oil - covering the whole model to make it stand out
- Retributor gold - covering all the gold details on the model
- Troll slayer orange - covering all of the skin
- Corax white - for both the head tail and the blades
- Reikland fleshshade - shade for the gold areas
- Cassandra yellow - shade for the orange skin
- Thinned down nuln oil - for the whites of the headtail and blades
- White scar - detailing on the face
- Pallid wynch flesh - for the eyes
- Abbadon black - the pupils on the eyes, a small dot is all that is needed
With this being the first Ahsoka Tano for star wars legion, a character that has been demanded for a long time, there are high expectations for what she will bring into the game and might I say she does not disappoint. As this is the rebels version of the character she should seem stronger, more efficient and in the nature of how she reacts much more of a defender than an attacker and this is presented in how she plays.
Her combination of command cards and keywords builds a character designed around defence whilst in the heat of battle, with her being able to gain ‘agile’ and being able to gain ‘guardian’ to defend her allies. As an operative she does not act like a commanding presence but more like a defending figure who will lead the forces as she defends them under the tactical leadership of a strong commander. She is also skilled in combat and able to take down those who dare to face her with both her strong lightsaber dice and her ‘Jar Kai mastery’ keyword giving her the ability to improve her dice result.
I also enjoy the way that she has been designed to work alongside her thematic teammate of Sabine Wren with a command card that gives Ahsoka teammate with Sabine and having them both come into battle together is a lot of fun as they can work off of each other and make a mark on the rising empire.
Ahsoka Tano is not only a beautiful miniature for the game of star wars legion she is also a fun and useful miniature to bring into any rebel list, being able to make a mark on her foes and keeping her allies safe from the attacks made onto them. Even when you combine her in battle with Sabine Wren it's clear that these two were born to fight together due to their synergy and the fact that they both can look amazing together.
If you are a rebel player, or like me, you just love Ahsoka this is a must buy for you, and if you want to make your battles seem even cooler, or just have a nice display why not get Sabine Wren while you are at it.
Let this Jedi show you the ways of the force.