Bluecoats Vol. 14: The Dirty 5, The (Paperback)

Bluecoats Vol. 14: The Dirty 5, The (Paperback)

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After a series of bloody battles, the 22nd Cavalry is once again depleted. Sent on a recruiting drive, Chesterfield meets only failure — between the reputation of their unit and Blutch’s constant sabotage efforts, finding volunteers is almost impossible. Until fate brings them to a penitentiary where some very unsavoury characters are about to hang. Offered a choice, the…
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After a series of bloody battles, the 22nd Cavalry is once again depleted. Sent on a recruiting drive, Chesterfield meets only failure -- between the reputation of their unit and Blutch's constant sabotage efforts, finding volunteers is almost impossible. Until fate brings them to a penitentiary where some very unsavoury characters are about to hang. Offered a choice, the criminals will pick the uniform over the noose, but can they be controlled?