How to Talk to Girls at Parties (Hardback)

How to Talk to Girls at Parties (Hardback)

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Enn is a 16-year-old boy who just doesn’t understand girls, while his friend Vic seems to have them all figured out. Both teenagers are in for the shock of their young lives, however, when they crash a local party only to discover that the girls there are far, far more than they appear! From the Locus Award-winning short story by Neil Gaiman – one of the most celebrated …
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Enn is a 16-year-old boy who just doesn't understand girls, while his friend Vic seems to have them all figured out. Both teenagers are in for the shock of their young lives, however, when they crash a local party only to discover that the girls there are far, far more than they appear! From the Locus Award-winning short story by Neil Gaiman - one of the most celebrated authors of our time - and adapted in vibrant ink-and-watercolour illustrations by the Daytripper duo of Gabriel Ba and Fabio Moon, this original hardcover graphic novel is absolutely not to be missed!