Deadpool: World's Greatest Vol. 3: The End of an Error (Paperback)

Deadpool: World’s Greatest Vol. 3: The End of an Error (Paperback)

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Deadpool vs. Sabretooth! But when two unkillable killers go to war, how do you know when it’s all over? These two Weapon X alumni are on a collision course, because Deadpool thinks that Sabretooth killed his parents. The really messy part is that Wade did the dirty deed himself, and has no idea! Hidden secrets, healing factors and horrific violence all collide as Deadpool̵…
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Deadpool vs. Sabretooth! But when two unkillable killers go to war, how do you know when it's all over? These two Weapon X alumni are on a collision course, because Deadpool thinks that Sabretooth killed his parents. The really messy part is that Wade did the dirty deed himself, and has no idea! Hidden secrets, healing factors and horrific violence all collide as Deadpool's misplaced quest for vengeance threatens to blow up in his face. But as DP and SB battle tooth and claw, what is Victor Creed's fellow Uncanny X-Man Magneto going to do about it?