The Guild Library Edition Volume 1 (Hardback)

The Guild Library Edition Volume 1 (Hardback)

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Set before the web series begins, these stories follow lonely violinist Cyd Sherman trying to navigate a frustrating personal life as she stumbles on an online MMO called ‘The Game’. As she gathers friends in-game, she gains confidence to confront all the problems in her real life. With, ahem, varying results. Heartwarming and hilarious, this is a comic origin story that…
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Set before the web series begins, these stories follow lonely violinist Cyd Sherman trying to navigate a frustrating personal life as she stumbles on an online MMO called 'The Game'. As she gathers friends in-game, she gains confidence to confront all the problems in her real life. With, ahem, varying results. Heartwarming and hilarious, this is a comic origin story that brings an award-winning world to life in a unique way that will delight geeks of all ages.