Doctor Strange Vol. 4: Mr. Misery (Hardback)

Doctor Strange Vol. 4: Mr. Misery (Hardback)

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As magic faced its last days, Mr. Misery helped Doctor Strange defeat the Empirikul. But that doesn’t make Misery a hero. Not one bit. Now the nightmarish creature is about to show Strange the full meaning of his name – and he’ll do it by visiting pain and suff ering on one of the Doc’s closest allies! The Sorcerer Supreme won’t stand for that -but to b…
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As magic faced its last days, Mr. Misery helped Doctor Strange defeat the Empirikul. But that doesn't make Misery a hero. Not one bit. Now the nightmarish creature is about to show Strange the full meaning of his name - and he'll do it by visiting pain and suff ering on one of the Doc's closest allies! The Sorcerer Supreme won't stand for that -but to bring the thunder down on Misery, he needs a little help from Thor! Then, Clea walks back into Doctor Strange's life just as he's picking up the pieces from the worst beating he's ever taken. Is she there to make things all better -or will she make that battle feel like a walk in the park for Stephen? Plus: Savor the debut of the Sorcerers Supreme! COLLECTING: DOCTOR STRANGE 17-20, ANNUAL 1