Elektra: Always Bet On Red (Paperback)

Elektra: Always Bet On Red (Paperback)

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Running from her tumultuous past, Elektra attempts to lose herself in a vibrant sea of neon, noise and anonymity: the gambler’s paradise, Las Vegas! But how long can a former ninja assassin really hope to escape the vortex of violence that encompasses her life…especially when there’s a new would-be kingpin in Sin City who has her in his sights for his newest game? …
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Running from her tumultuous past, Elektra attempts to lose herself in a vibrant sea of neon, noise and anonymity: the gambler's paradise, Las Vegas! But how long can a former ninja assassin really hope to escape the vortex of violence that encompasses her life...especially when there's a new would-be kingpin in Sin City who has her in his sights for his newest game? Enter: Arcade! Elektra is in his crosshairs, and a string of clues, including high-tech weaponry, kidnappings and assassins, will lead her to a game of chance more deadly than she ever expected. However, Elektra hasn't forgotten her past, or any of the skills she's learned - and Arcade will find that she's more than ready for a Casino Battle Royale! COLLECTING: ELEKTRA 1-6