Days of Wonder, publishers of top quality tabletop stalwarts such as Five Tribes, Yamatai, Memoir ’44 and of course the ultimate gateway game, Ticket To Ride, recently announced the release of Ticket to Ride Europe 15th Anniversary. Zatu is currently accepting pre-orders and the expected release date is May 2021.
But I already have Ticket to Ride! Of course, you do, that’s fine. My copy has been in my collection for the best part of a decade, it’s done well by me. It’s time for an upgrade, it’s what this game deserves. And what an upgrade it is. This new copy will let me introduce more people to board gaming for the next decade to come.
What's New?
Every aspect of the 15th Anniversary edition of TTR Europe is bigger, better and brighter, right down to the score markers. The game will come with an oversized map at 97cm by 65cm, so about a third bigger. All the artwork on the board and cards had been revamped to the exacting standards of the discerning modern board game buyer of the roaring 20s. The game also comes with all 108 destination cards published to date so there will be no worry about mixing cards from expansions. I’d like them to have gone the whole hog and thrown in the depots from the 1912 Europa expansion, but sadly not.
And your equally over-sized trains and no longer mono-colour pieces of plastic. Each colour is now represented by its own company, with bright and highly detailed trains pulling their own unique cargo across Europe. No more boring plastic baggy to hold them in either, oh no! Now you can keep your trains in their own matching tin, along with the impressive, two-story train stations that stand proudly on the map.
Oh, and did I say the huge map is absolutely gorgeous? Well, It is! I’ve pre-ordered my copy of Ticket to Ride Europe 15th Anniversary and you can too here on Zatu Games.