Savage Worlds: Gaslight Victorian Fantasy 3rd Edition

Savage Worlds: Gaslight Victorian Fantasy 3rd Edition

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Battlefield Press, Inc presents Gaslight. A Victorian Fantasy where technology meets sorcery, where fantasy meets history. A world where Humans co-exist with Vampires, where fantasy meets history. Beast Men, Werewolves and Wildlings. A land of secret organizations and hidden agendas. Welcome to a Victorian world of magic, non humans and technology all trying to take their rightful p…
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Battlefield Press, Inc presents Gaslight. A Victorian Fantasy where technology meets sorcery, where fantasy meets history. A world where Humans co-exist with Vampires, where fantasy meets history. Beast Men, Werewolves and Wildlings. A land of secret organizations and hidden agendas. Welcome to a Victorian world of magic, non humans and technology all trying to take their rightful place in society. Meet Vampire Detectives, Beast Men Sheriffs, and Wildling Rogues. Non humans in society exist from their counterparts in Victorian literature. An interesting and unique setting for Savage Worlds.

In Gaslight you will find: A history of Gaslight Earth; Four new races each with their own specific Arcane Backgrounds; A host of new general and race-specific edges; A Target-Number based Wealth system; Rules for Social Standing; Weapons and equipment from the Victorian era; A detailed Gazetteer and Timeline; A Players Guide for the Savage World System published by Pinnacle Entertainment Group.