Delta Green: PX Poker Night

Delta Green: PX Poker Night

RRP: £13.99
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RRP £13.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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THE SKY’S THE LIMIT A dozen Air Force misfits and malcontents have gone from misconduct charges or stretches in the stockade to a post even they can’t screw up: Platte AFB. A place where aircraft and careers go to die. The middle of nowhere, Nebraska. Saturday is the one night a week that everyone can look forward to. It’s a chance to unwind. On Saturday, 22 AUG 19…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-APU8142 Availability Backorder
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A dozen Air Force misfits and malcontents have gone from misconduct charges or stretches in the stockade to a post even they can't screw up: Platte AFB. A place where aircraft and careers go to die. The middle of nowhere, Nebraska. Saturday is the one night a week that everyone can look forward to. It's a chance to unwind. On Saturday, 22 AUG 1998, an unmarked van rolls in and parks at the far end of the fields. Guards in bizarre helmets get out and keep watch. Nobody knows why they're here. The base commander says they're under orders. Everyone is to leave them alone. Poker night is about to take a turn for the bizarre...and the deadly.

"PX Poker Night" is a scenario for Delta Green RPG. It includes six pregenerated characters who could become Delta Green "Friendlies" or Agents. If they make it through the night.