BLEACH: Rebirth of Souls - Xbox Series X/S

BLEACH: Rebirth of Souls – Xbox Series X/S

RRP: £49.99
Now £44.29(SAVE 11%)
RRP £49.99
Xbox Series X
Expected Release Date 21/03/2025
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Unleash Your Sword – Choose your favorite character and unleash their unique sword abilities! Take advantage of each character’s unique abilities and command the flow of battle to find an opening that spells defeat for your enemies Defeat enemies with a single strike – In BLEACH: Rebirth of Souls, a single strike can spell defeat for your opponent. Change the situa…
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Category Tags , SKU VAD-MSREBEINF03300 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Unleash Your Sword – Choose your favorite character and unleash their unique sword abilities! Take advantage of each character’s unique abilities and command the flow of battle to find an opening that spells defeat for your enemies
Defeat enemies with a single strike – In BLEACH: Rebirth of Souls, a single strike can spell defeat for your opponent. Change the situation dramatically with the swing of your blade
Reverse Fate and Awaken Your Power – The more desperate the situation, the more powerful you become. Overturn the tide of battle and unlock new forms and new blades in the heat of battle to bring victory from the edge of defeat

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Unleash Your Sword - Choose your favorite character and unleash their unique sword abilities! Take advantage of each character's unique abilities and command the flow of battle to find an opening that spells defeat for your enemies
Defeat enemies with a single strike - In BLEACH: Rebirth of Souls, a single strike can spell defeat for your opponent. Change the situation dramatically with the swing of your blade
Reverse Fate and Awaken Your Power - The more desperate the situation, the more powerful you become. Overturn the tide of battle and unlock new forms and new blades in the heat of battle to bring victory from the edge of defeat