The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms - Chapter 4 Card Pack - Rise of the Dragon Priests

The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms – Chapter 4 Card Pack – Rise of the Dragon Priests

RRP: £50.00
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RRP £50.00
Expected Release Date 01/03/2025
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Rise of the Dragon Priests is the fourth expansion for The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms. It includes cards for all the miniatures sets in chapter 4, including Draugr, Thieves Guild, College of Winterhold, The Companions, The Silver Hand, Adventurers, and more. Additional Battle Mode and Delve Quests and Events and Traps expand the narrative adventure game. New upgrades for Weapons, …
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Rise of the Dragon Priests is the fourth expansion for The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms. It includes cards for all the miniatures sets in chapter 4, including Draugr, Thieves Guild, College of Winterhold, The Companions, The Silver Hand, Adventurers, and more.

Additional Battle Mode and Delve Quests and Events and Traps expand the narrative adventure game. New upgrades for Weapons, Spells, Enchantments and Items allow you to customize your Heroes. Also included are rules for the Epic Creatures, such as Dragons, Giants, Mammoths, and the mighty Forgemaster. Also included are rules and scenarios for using them in your games of The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms.


44x Educational Cards
107x Poker Cards
6x Epic Creature Cards
110x Euro Mini Cards
1x 32-Page Rules Booklet

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Rise of the Dragon Priests is the fourth expansion for The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms. It includes cards for all the miniatures sets in chapter 4, including Draugr, Thieves Guild, College of Winterhold, The Companions, The Silver Hand, Adventurers, and more.

Additional Battle Mode and Delve Quests and Events and Traps expand the narrative adventure game. New upgrades for Weapons, Spells, Enchantments and Items allow you to customize your Heroes. Also included are rules for the Epic Creatures, such as Dragons, Giants, Mammoths, and the mighty Forgemaster. Also included are rules and scenarios for using them in your games of The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms.


44x Educational Cards
107x Poker Cards
6x Epic Creature Cards
110x Euro Mini Cards
1x 32-Page Rules Booklet