Western Legends Wild Bunch of Extras

Western Legends Wild Bunch of Extras

RRP: £17.99
Now £16.29(SAVE 9%)
RRP £17.99
Expected Release Date 30/06/2025
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Black smoke rises as the locomotive draws near. Out there on the cloudless horizon, a town called Buzzard Gulch is calling to those with the will and the grit to make a name for themselves in the new western frontier. The Wild Bunch of Extras expansion includes all the unlocked stretch goal content unlocked during the 2019 Kickstarter for Western Legends: Ante Up. Complete with new…
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-MATKOLWES005092 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Black smoke rises as the locomotive draws near. Out there on the cloudless horizon, a town called Buzzard Gulch is calling to those with the will and the grit to make a name for themselves in the new western frontier.

The Wild Bunch of Extras expansion includes all the unlocked stretch goal content unlocked during the 2019 Kickstarter for Western Legends: Ante Up. Complete with new variants, characters, deluxe components, and an expanded card pool to add even more options and variety to your games!

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Black smoke rises as the locomotive draws near. Out there on the cloudless horizon, a town called Buzzard Gulch is calling to those with the will and the grit to make a name for themselves in the new western frontier.

The Wild Bunch of Extras expansion includes all the unlocked stretch goal content unlocked during the 2019 Kickstarter for Western Legends: Ante Up. Complete with new variants, characters, deluxe components, and an expanded card pool to add even more options and variety to your games!