Red Flag Green Flag

Red Flag Green Flag

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Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Revealing Dating Preferences – The Judge secretly decides how they’d react to each dating scenario card. But can the other players accurately predict if it’ll be a Red Flag or a Green Flag? Get ready to wave those two flags and delve into some dating drama! 230 Scenario Cards – Explore a range of dating dilemmas with a whopping 230 cards! There’s no shortage of…
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Revealing Dating Preferences – The Judge secretly decides how they’d react to each dating scenario card. But can the other players accurately predict if it’ll be a Red Flag or a Green Flag? Get ready to wave those two flags and delve into some dating drama!
230 Scenario Cards – Explore a range of dating dilemmas with a whopping 230 cards! There’s no shortage of dating topics to divide your friends.
Ridiculous Answers – The raising of the Judge’s flag will reveal some shocking personal dating preferences and is set to ignite heated debates. This is the perfect game for a teen sleepover with friends, or an adult dinner party!
Easy to Learn Party Game Adults – Red Flag Green Flag is quick to learn, so it’s the ultimate party game for your next get together with friends! So whether you’re a seasoned dater or a lone ranger, get ready for a wild ride playing Red Flag Green Flag!
What’s Inside – Discover 230 scenario cards, 10 voting cards, 2 flags (red and green), and easy-to-follow instructions that’ll have you playing in no time! Get set for the ultimate dating showdown!

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Revealing Dating Preferences - The Judge secretly decides how they’d react to each dating scenario card. But can the other players accurately predict if it’ll be a Red Flag or a Green Flag? Get ready to wave those two flags and delve into some dating drama!
230 Scenario Cards - Explore a range of dating dilemmas with a whopping 230 cards! There's no shortage of dating topics to divide your friends.
Ridiculous Answers - The raising of the Judge's flag will reveal some shocking personal dating preferences and is set to ignite heated debates. This is the perfect game for a teen sleepover with friends, or an adult dinner party!
Easy to Learn Party Game Adults - Red Flag Green Flag is quick to learn, so it’s the ultimate party game for your next get together with friends! So whether you're a seasoned dater or a lone ranger, get ready for a wild ride playing Red Flag Green Flag!
What's Inside - Discover 230 scenario cards, 10 voting cards, 2 flags (red and green), and easy-to-follow instructions that'll have you playing in no time! Get set for the ultimate dating showdown!


Revealing Dating Preferences - The Judge secretly decides how they’d react to each dating scenario card. But can the other players accurately predict if it’ll be a Red Flag or a Green Flag? Get ready to wave those two flags and delve into some dating drama!
230 Scenario Cards - Explore a range of dating dilemmas with a whopping 230 cards! There's no shortage of dating topics to divide your friends.
Ridiculous Answers - The raising of the Judge's flag will reveal some shocking personal dating preferences and is set to ignite heated debates. This is the perfect game for a teen sleepover with friends, or an adult dinner party!
Easy to Learn Party Game Adults - Red Flag Green Flag is quick to learn, so it’s the ultimate party game for your next get together with friends! So whether you're a seasoned dater or a lone ranger, get ready for a wild ride playing Red Flag Green Flag!
What's Inside - Discover 230 scenario cards, 10 voting cards, 2 flags (red and green), and easy-to-follow instructions that'll have you playing in no time! Get set for the ultimate dating showdown!