Critical Role: Heroes of Exandria Caleb Widogast - Playmat

Critical Role: Heroes of Exandria Caleb Widogast – Playmat

RRP: £24.99
Now £20.79(SAVE 16%)
RRP £24.99
Expected Release Date 07/03/2025
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Protect your cards and display them with flair using this brand new Critical Role: Heroes of Exandria playmat, featuring Caleb Widogast from The Mighty Nein! The perfect addition to your UniVersus Critical Role card game collection, this playmat showcases stunning new artwork of the beloved wizard. Crafted from high-quality neoprene with a non-slip backing, the 24 x 14-inch playmat …
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-JASUVSCR08 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Protect your cards and display them with flair using this brand new Critical Role: Heroes of Exandria playmat, featuring Caleb Widogast from The Mighty Nein! The perfect addition to your UniVersus Critical Role card game collection, this playmat showcases stunning new artwork of the beloved wizard.

Crafted from high-quality neoprene with a non-slip backing, the 24 x 14-inch playmat offers both style and function, keeping your cards secure during every game. Packaged in a sturdy box, ideal for hanging or display, this playmat is a must-have for fans and collectors alike.

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Protect your cards and display them with flair using this brand new Critical Role: Heroes of Exandria playmat, featuring Caleb Widogast from The Mighty Nein! The perfect addition to your UniVersus Critical Role card game collection, this playmat showcases stunning new artwork of the beloved wizard.

Crafted from high-quality neoprene with a non-slip backing, the 24 x 14-inch playmat offers both style and function, keeping your cards secure during every game. Packaged in a sturdy box, ideal for hanging or display, this playmat is a must-have for fans and collectors alike.