Board & Dice are giving gamers the chance to give something back at Essen Spiel 2019. They're hosting a charity event called Walk the Halls! As we all know, Essen is a massive event that involves plenty of walking. Now, this walking can help raise money!
Every attendee who ‘buys’ into this event has a chance to turn their steps into a medal. They can celebrate the many miles covered and raise money for a good cause. The cost is €10 and allows participants to download an app that will log their steps. Medals can be collected by successful participants on the final day at the Board & Dice booth in Hall Two.
The proceeds of the event will go to the charity the EFC Foundation - The Roman Czernecki’s Educational Foundation. This is a non-government, non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting educational access equality and innovative and creative ways of approaching education through programs like apprenticeships.
Igor Czernecki, Chairman of the EFC Foundation, summarises:
“At the EFC Foundation, we deal with education. Our aim is threefold: we strive to create equal access to education, to promote creative, innovative ways of thinking about education in the light of the challenges of the XXI century, and to broaden its definition to include social responsibility and civic engagement.
"We believe that non-governmental and non-profit organisations have a specific obligation to constantly question the means chosen to achieve their statutory ends. It is hard to come by constructive criticism in philanthropy – there is no market verification or disenchanted voters. A grateful recipient is always at hand. Yet it is precisely the financial and political independence of NGOs that should oblige them to incessantly question how they spend their money. In any subcategory of human interaction with one-another or the environment there is a scale of the good, which can be achieved for one dollar. Yes, it is a subjective scale and yes, its extremities are an ideal, but this does not mean we should not work with this scale always on our minds. Constantly striving for the most good is what makes philanthropy the true ‘love of man’."
For more information on the event, you can visit the Board & Dice website. If you wish to promote the event, use the hashtag #WalkTheHallsForCharity.