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Collecting beyond Combat Patrol: The T’au Empire


A beacon of progress and understanding in a violent, uncaring Galaxy. The T’au Empire sits on the fringe of the known galaxy, formed of many species, all fighting for the greater good.

The T’au Empire have a strong preference for ranged combat, focusing on units working together to bring down the strongest of foes.

Before we go over the recommendations, we should explore what’s within the box and the strengths and Weaknesses of the units.

(Disclaimer: recommendations and descriptions are based on the index rules and stats, these are up for change and may not be within the datasheets of combat patrol)

What comes in the box:

The Leader for the combat patrol is a Commander in enforcer battlesuit is the leader of this box set, equipped with airburst fragmentation projector, plasma rifle, two shields drones and weapon support system. This Commander carries a high amount of firepower on his own with the mix of anti light and heavy infantry guns while sitting on eight wounds, a toughness of five and a 2+ save.

A squad of ten Breachers with pulse blasters and pulse pistols are the battleline of the combat patrol, the pulse blasters are imposing weapons, able to give most enemies pause at strength 6. It is the closest thing that the core tau infantry have to a melee unit, sitting at only a 10” range.

A support squad of ten Pathfinders with seven pulse carbines, three rail rifles and ten pulse pistols the shas’ui has a recon drone. This unit both the scouts and infiltrators abilities making them able to access a majority of the board before before the first turn able to get into just the right place.

The Devilfish is the transport of the combat patrol, bringing to bear an accelerator cannon and two twin pulse carbines. This transport has a handy ability called Rapid Deployment which allows it to advance and disembark the unit inside letting them act normally afterwards.

Strengths and Weaknesses:

The patrol can bring out a Heavy amount of Firepower compared to most armies, the average strength of the weapons sits at strength 6 and has answers for tanks unlike other patrols.
Another strength is that the units have great mobility making it easy for them to get to the right place.

However because of the low weapon skills of the units, this army will be folded into pieces if they are caught in melee, especially as the main units don’t have high ranges. The other weak link is that the commander is a leader without a bodyguard which exposes them to being targeted by your opponents.


Crisis Battlesuits Tau Empire Xv8 Crisis Battlesuits

The escort units for your Commander, this versatile kit can be configured to enhance the battle role of your commander while also protecting them from being removed immediately.

Starknifes use either Plasma rifles or missile pods, rerolling hit rolls and ignore penalties to hit, great at targeting Heavy infantry or light vehicles and monsters.

Starscythes have Burst cannons and flamers, have higher armor penetration against infantry and can shoot after disengaging, able to generate around thirty attacks with drones making them great horde breakers

Sunforges are the peak for anti tank for the crisis battlesuits, rerolling wound rolls and damage results with fusion blasters, these suits also have a 4+ invulnerable save, giving them significant hardiness for hunting heaviest of the enemy tanks and monsters.

(A note, the writer would like to mention that while the squads are fixed, miniature magnets are a perfect solution if you can’t decided on which version to build.

Piranhas Tau Empire Tx4 Piranha

A light speeder that is capable of keeping pace with the other vanguard units of this army, this unit can zoom right in to get into optimal range. Their Drone Harassment Tactics can disrupt your opponent’s battle plan with battle shock tests and seeker missiles.

T'Au Empire Cadre Fireblade

A leader for your breacher team, this character increases the number of attacks of ranged weapons by one. This sets the breachers up from 20 to 30 attacks when they shoot. On top on adding drone slots to the squad, meaning you can easily add an extra 12 shots into the mix.

T'au Empire: Krootox Rampagers 

This mounted unit has enough speed to maintain pace with the rest of the army but acts as a linebreaker for the army to slow the opponent’s advance. This unit can potentially deal mortal wounds on the charge and have a combined total of seven attacks per model in melee, this unit has the power to either crush the enemy or tangle them up long enough to give you the edge.

Hammerhead Gunship

One word; Railgun… No seriously, that is this tank’s most well known feature. It is a strength 20, AP-5, D6+6 damage with heavy and devastating wounds. With Seeker missiles on top of that, it is the one of the few tanks that give super heavy tanks pause.

In conclusion:

When planning to expand your Tau Strike force, it is best to observe the potential of your Fire Caste Warriors and see what you can do to cover your weaknesses.

We hope that these recommendations provide an understanding of what you can choose for your next steps on your warhammer Journey.

Collect, paint, and play! For the Greater Good!