Oranges and Lemons

Oranges and Lemons

RRP: £54.99
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RRP £54.99
Expected Release Date 04/01/2025
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Oranges and Lemons is a worker placement game. Starting with just two workers and a limited storage and transport capacity (basically just a pair of hands!) the players must make the best they can of early 18th Century London, expanding their transport through hand cart, horse and cart and ships and by visiting locations mentioned in the nursery rhyme. Here they can buy and sell go…
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Category Tags , , , SKU ZBG-MEDOAL01 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Oranges and Lemons is a worker placement game. Starting with just two workers and a limited storage and transport capacity (basically just a pair of hands!) the players must make the best they can of early 18th Century London, expanding their transport through hand cart, horse and cart and ships and by visiting locations mentioned in the nursery rhyme.

Here they can buy and sell goods such as oranges, pancakes, bricks and pans, get involved in the money loaning business, fulfil export contracts at the docks, dip their toe into politics, invest in the early stock market or back risky but possibly lucrative expeditions to the east Indies. The most successful player will be the one who can balance all these demands best and emerge as a Master of Commerce, with the city at their feet.