Compile Card Game: Playmat

Compile Card Game: Playmat

RRP: £17.99
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Amp up your gaming experience with this high quality mat. Made from neoprene its meant to withstand the most exciting of gameplay. When laid out, the playmat measures 11″ x 29.5″ – the perfect amount of space for two players to go head to head in Compile. With dedicated areas for each Protocol and each player’s lines, you can focus on strategy instead of parsing the game st…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZSPG-GTGCOMPPM01 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Amp up your gaming experience with this high quality mat. Made from neoprene its meant to withstand the most exciting of gameplay. When laid out, the playmat measures 11″ x 29.5″ – the perfect amount of space for two players to go head to head in Compile.

With dedicated areas for each Protocol and each player’s lines, you can focus on strategy instead of parsing the game state.