Shackleton Base: A Journey to the Moon

Shackleton Base: A Journey to the Moon

RRP: £65.00
Now £53.89(SAVE 17%)
RRP £65.00
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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A permanent base is being established in the Shackleton crater at the Moon’s South Pole, and you are at the helm of one of the key space agencies involved in this ambitious project. As you work to expand the base, three major corporations sponsoring the mission are simultaneously pursuing their own agendas. In Shackleton Base: A Journey to the Moon, you will construct vital st…
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A permanent base is being established in the Shackleton crater at the Moon’s South Pole, and you are at the helm of one of the key space agencies involved in this ambitious project. As you work to expand the base, three major corporations sponsoring the mission are simultaneously pursuing their own agendas. In Shackleton Base: A Journey to the Moon, you will construct vital structures while funding projects from these corporations, each of which grants special abilities and scoring opportunities. At the beginning of the game, players randomly select three corporations from a pool of seven. Each corporation introduces its own set of projects, actions, and scoring mechanisms. The gameplay unfolds over three rounds, each divided into three distinct phases: Shuttle Phase: Players draft shuttle tiles from a communal display, determining which types of astronauts and resources will be available for that round. This phase also establishes the turn order for the upcoming action phase. Action Phase: In turn order, players deploy their astronauts to the lunar surface to gather resources, construct buildings, or fund projects. The selected corporations dictate the variety of resources accessible, which can be utilized in various ways, such as completing projects or enhancing structures. Each project offers ongoing abilities and scoring opportunities, while corporations provide different mechanisms for scoring points, whether during the action phase, the maintenance phase, or at the game’s conclusion. Maintenance Phase: Players assign their deployed astronauts to work on structures, generating bonuses for the owning player, then collect income and manage maintenance costs. Any end-round effects from the corporations in play are resolved. Once all rounds are complete, players tally their points, and the one with the highest score emerges victorious! Player Count: 1-4 Play Time:60120mins Age: 14+

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A permanent base is being established in the Shackleton crater at the Moon's South Pole, and you are at the helm of one of the key space agencies involved in this ambitious project. As you work to expand the base, three major corporations sponsoring the mission are simultaneously pursuing their own agendas. In Shackleton Base: A Journey to the Moon, you will construct vital structures while funding projects from these corporations, each of which grants special abilities and scoring opportunities.

At the beginning of the game, players randomly select three corporations from a pool of seven. Each corporation introduces its own set of projects, actions, and scoring mechanisms. The gameplay unfolds over three rounds, each divided into three distinct phases:

Shuttle Phase: Players draft shuttle tiles from a communal display, determining which types of astronauts and resources will be available for that round. This phase also establishes the turn order for the upcoming action phase.

Action Phase: In turn order, players deploy their astronauts to the lunar surface to gather resources, construct buildings, or fund projects. The selected corporations dictate the variety of resources accessible, which can be utilized in various ways, such as completing projects or enhancing structures. Each project offers ongoing abilities and scoring opportunities, while corporations provide different mechanisms for scoring points, whether during the action phase, the maintenance phase, or at the game's conclusion.

Maintenance Phase: Players assign their deployed astronauts to work on structures, generating bonuses for the owning player, then collect income and manage maintenance costs. Any end-round effects from the corporations in play are resolved.

Once all rounds are complete, players tally their points, and the one with the highest score emerges victorious!

Player Count: 1-4

Play Time:60–120mins

Age: 14+