Warhammer: Necromunda - Malcadon Yeld & Jakara Spyre Hunter

Warhammer: Necromunda – Malcadon Yeld & Jakara Spyre Hunter

RRP: £31.50
Now £27.89(SAVE 11%)
RRP £31.50
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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The pugilistic Orrus suit is not the only choice for Spyrers: more specialised suits exist which favour speed and finesse. The Malcadon fights with paired claws and a grapnel launcher, while the Jakara uses a lethal monomolecular sword and a mirror shield. The Yeld darts around with wings, dealing ranged damage with paired laser gauntlets. This box builds one of each, as well as a Spyrer Hunt Master, a fearsome veteran of many hunts who can mix and match loadouts.