Transport Bag for Magnetic Boxes 2.0

Transport Bag for Magnetic Boxes 2.0

RRP: £49.90
Now £41.55(SAVE 16%)
RRP £49.90
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Category Tags , , SKU WAH-SAFE-MAGTB Availability Backorder
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The Transport Bag allows for carrying of 4 Vanguard boxes. Furthermore, it gives you an option to exchange two Vanguard boxes for one Strife Force Box.This way you can fit your bag to the army you collect and play. The bag is made of the highest quality materials. It has 5 short plastic legs on the base to protect your bag from getting dirty when placed on the floor or ground. The bag is also equipped with a handle and a comfortable, adjustable shoulder strap and a pocket for gaming accessories.The dimensions of the bag: 420mm x 285mm x 300mm