Battlefield Rocks Basing Cork (small) (275ml)

Battlefield Rocks Basing Cork (small) (275ml)

RRP: £5.99
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Battlefield Rocks do exactly what they say on the tin! Great for adding dimension to any bases.They can be used as a part of a rubble mix in destroyed building, building up a natural landscape and work alongside water effects for a realistic shoreline effect.Typical size 2-3mmThis set is provided in a sturdy tamper proof pot so you can store it conveniently.Each potis filled to the …
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Category Tags , SKU WAH-TCF-BAS-012 Availability 3+ in stock
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Battlefield Rocks do exactly what they say on the tin! Great for adding dimension to any bases.They can be used as a part of a rubble mix in destroyed building, building up a natural landscape and work alongside water effects for a realistic shoreline effect.Typical size 2-3mmThis set is provided in a sturdy tamper proof pot so you can store it conveniently.Each potis filled to the top approximately 275ml.