Warmachine: Khymaera Shard Incarnates Cadre

Warmachine: Khymaera Shard Incarnates Cadre

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Steadily intensifying tremors precede their coming. The rumbling escalates until the ground cracks and breaks from a deafening cacophony of thunderous steps that heralds their arrival. Lacking all subtlety of the Shadowflame Shard, the Shard Incarnates are the Khymaera’s intrepid juggernauts, used to breach any defense or formation. Kyrrax, the Unrelenting Night, is an unstopp…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZSFG-SFIK-KMR155 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Steadily intensifying tremors precede their coming. The rumbling escalates until the ground cracks and breaks from a deafening cacophony of thunderous steps that heralds their arrival. Lacking all subtlety of the Shadowflame Shard, the Shard Incarnates are the Khymaera's intrepid juggernauts, used to breach any defense or formation. Kyrrax, the Unrelenting Night, is an unstoppable force who drives his vanguard to smash and shatter whatever stands in their way while the rest of Khymaera flood in from behind. He guides Drakyons, beasts of speed and ferocity, to slam through the densest of phalanxes and drive a wedge to capitalize on. The Incarnate Knights flood into the gaps, swinging their oversized flails to batter and fracture stone and steel while the Incarnate Conjurors enhance the assault with their arcane mastery.


Kyrrax, the Unrelenting Night (warlock)

Incarnate Knights (3-model unit)

Incarnate Conjuror (solo)

Drakyon (heavy warbeast)