Starship Troopers: Extermination - Xbox Series X/S

Starship Troopers: Extermination – Xbox Series X/S

RRP: £44.99
Now £43.99
RRP £44.99
Xbox Series X
Expected Release Date 04/03/2025
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Category Tag SKU VCS-STARSHIPTROOPERS-XS Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Fight in this epic first-person-shooter against hordes of deadly Bugs! DO YOUR PART!

Starship Troopers: Extermination is a pulse-pounding co-op first-person shooter for up to 16 players that puts you in the galactic frontlines of the acclaimed sci-fi universe!

Squad up, grab your assault rifle, and experience the authentic feeling as an elite Deep Space Vanguard Trooper to take back the galaxy from the Arachnid threat, aiming for the extinction of the human species!

Select from various game-modes from assault, hive, to horde mode and make good use of your building tools to construct and mount turrets, walls, electric fences and bunkers.

Also included is a Single-player campaign featuring Casper Van Dien as General Johnny Rico, and cross-play between all consoles and PC!