Boardwalk Arcade 2 - Nintendo Switch

Boardwalk Arcade 2 – Nintendo Switch

RRP: £25.99
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RRP £25.99
Nintendo Switch
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Boardwalk Arcade 2 is a sequel to the successful Party Arcade game. Boardwalk Arcade 2 offers a brand-new location on the boardwalk featuring exciting and classic mini games.

Boardwalk Arcade 2 features a collection of games that will be instantly familiar to anyone who’s been to a carnival or boardwalk. The more you play the more tickets you earn towards cosmetic upgrades, figurines, and collectibles!
· Up to 4-player multiplayer couch co-op action!
· The following games are included:
o Basketball Throw (Hoop shot)
o Mini-Bowling
o Skee Ball/Skillball
o Shooting Gallery
o Whack-a-Mole
o Mascot launch
o Claw Machine
o Pinball
o Darts - Balloon Pop
o Ring Toss
Languages: Voice: English; Subtitles: English, French, Spanish, Italian, German