Minecraft Original Soundtrack by C418 Double CD Volume Beta

Minecraft Original Soundtrack by C418 Double CD Volume Beta

RRP: £19.13
Now £12.39(SAVE 35%)
RRP £19.13
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Originally self-released in 2013, Minecraft Volume Beta was C418's longest batch of music to date at nearly 140 minutes. The collection features tracks that were "silently" added to Minecraft during its music updates and a few that never officially entered the game. Rosenfeld's unmistakable abilities are on display; he creates a sweeping variety of musical ideas that mirror the limitless universe of Minecraft. Ghostly International is thrilled to give this unique collaboration its due treatment and hopes to see the creative inspiration which drives Minecraft and Rosenfeld continue to disperse by virtue of this unexpectedly universal music.