Soulmist Core Book

Soulmist Core Book

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RRP £44.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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In Soulmist, you enter the world of Fyera as one of its heroes, leading the charge against the forces of the Dark Saints who hide in the shadows beyond the Darklands. The Old People of Fyera have united in Penumbra and in the Lands of the Old Days in order to be victorious between this new struggle. However, this is a war unlike any before it as it is not only fought in the field of…
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In Soulmist, you enter the world of Fyera as one of its heroes, leading the charge against the forces of the Dark Saints who hide in the shadows beyond the Darklands. The Old People of Fyera have united in Penumbra and in the Lands of the Old Days in order to be victorious between this new struggle. However, this is a war unlike any before it as it is not only fought in the field of battle but the very soul spark of every living creature in Fyera. The victors of this endless war shall determine the colour of these sparks once and for all. The core book is a 250 page hardcover book containing the lore of Fyera, its inhabitants and all rules needed for creating characters and crafting campaigns in the setting.