The third episode of the ZatChat focuses on gateway games. It's presented by Nick and Andru, and also includes contributions from Tom, Will and Ryan!
For those who may be unaware, a gateway game is one used to introduce new people to the board game hobby. These are the games to bring out when, perhaps, you're playing with your family or work colleagues. Some of the great games mentioned in this episode of the ZatChat include:
- Splendor
- Love Letter
- Chronicles of Crime
- King of Tokyo
- Sushi Go!
- The Quest for El Dorado
- Hive
- One Night Ultimate Werewolf
Alongside all the gateway chat, this episode also recaps our venture to UKGE. This year, for the first time, we had our very own stand! We had a fantastic weekend, meeting some fantastic people, demoing great games, and generally have a good time.
Also, Nick and Andru reflect on the launch of our brand-new board game cafe! The launch party was a great success. Alongside all of our fantastic customers, we also had local media and The Dice Tower at the shop! Tom and Zee were so impressed, they even uploaded a video of their day on YouTube!
Have a listen to this episode below.
ZatChat and More!
Alongside the ZatChat, we also have several other media outlets for you to try. We have our own YouTube Channel, which is beginning to expand at an exciting rate. On our channel you will find board game reviews and unboxings, alongside playthroughs and the Nick & Andru Show.
We also have video content on our Facebook page. Our pages features live video content, primarily focusing on unboxings of the latest releases. We also have exciting interviews with board game publishers and designers from around the world. You can also find Zatu on Twitter and Instagram.
Our blog is also full of brilliant content, delivered by a number of board gamers from around the UK. You'll find reviews, previews, news, features, and much, much more.
- Listen to ZatChat #2 - Big Potato Games!