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PARKS, by Keymaster Games, is a beautiful, relaxing board game experience. In it you control two hikers, trekking across the National Parks of the US. What ‘memories’ will you make along the way? What photos will you snap?A game of PARKS last four rounds (the four seasons of a year). Your two hikers move along a modular trail board, in a point-to-point fashion. Wherever you move…
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PARKS, by Keymaster Games, is a beautiful, relaxing board game experience. In it you control two hikers, trekking across the National Parks of the US. What ‘memories’ will you make along the way? What photos will you snap? A game of PARKS last four rounds (the four seasons of a year). Your two hikers move along a modular trail board, in a point-to-point fashion. Wherever you move your hiker, you’ll gain any resource tokens on that spot. These resources represent ‘memories’: the fresh mountain vista; the splendour of sunshine; the scent of pine in the air. Locations along the trail also provide actions you can take. At the end of the season (round), you get the chance to trade your memory tokens for a National Park card. These are worth varying points, and the National Parks have required memories as a cost. You might also pay resources to take a photo (also worth points). Picking where you want your hikers to trek is a big decision, since set collection sits at the heart of PARKS. The trail gets longer with each passing season. With the start of a new season, the trail tiles get shuffled and re-laid out, along with an extra tile. No two hikers can share the same spot, so it’s first-come, first-served. Unless, that is, you want to use your Campfire token. But you only get one of these per season, so light it with care! Also, if you can fill a Canteen with a water token you get access to harder-to-come-by memories. Other Gear cards offer further engine building options. How will you trek through the PARKS? With adorable wooden components and an awesome custom-built insert by Game Trayz, PARKS feels like a luxury product. Plus the gorgeous artwork by Fifty-Nine Parks? Playing PARKS will make you want to go off on your own trek… Player Count: 1-5 Players Time: 30-60 minutes Age: 10+


Exceptional Components
Stunning Artwork


  • Artwork
  • Complexity
  • Replayability
  • Player Interaction
  • Component Quality

You Might Like

  • Stunning Artwork
  • Production quality is out of this world
  • A light, family friendly worker placement

Might Not Like

  • The game can be too light at times
  • The end-of-game goals can be impossible in some games
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PARKS, by Keymaster Games, is a beautiful, relaxing board game experience. In it you control two hikers, trekking across the National Parks of the US. What ‘memories’ will you make along the way? What photos will you snap?

A game of PARKS last four rounds (the four seasons of a year). Your two hikers move along a modular trail board, in a point-to-point fashion. Wherever you move your hiker, you’ll gain any resource tokens on that spot. These resources represent ‘memories’: the fresh mountain vista; the splendour of sunshine; the scent of pine in the air. Locations along the trail also provide actions you can take. At the end of the season (round), you get the chance to trade your memory tokens for a National Park card. These are worth varying points, and the National Parks have required memories as a cost. You might also pay resources to take a photo (also worth points). Picking where you want your hikers to trek is a big decision, since set collection sits at the heart of PARKS.

The trail gets longer with each passing season. With the start of a new season, the trail tiles get shuffled and re-laid out, along with an extra tile. No two hikers can share the same spot, so it’s first-come, first-served. Unless, that is, you want to use your Campfire token. But you only get one of these per season, so light it with care! Also, if you can fill a Canteen with a water token you get access to harder-to-come-by memories. Other Gear cards offer further engine building options. How will you trek through the PARKS?

With adorable wooden components and an awesome custom-built insert by Game Trayz, PARKS feels like a luxury product. Plus the gorgeous artwork by Fifty-Nine Parks? Playing PARKS will make you want to go off on your own trek…

Player Count: 1-5 Players

Time: 30-60 minutes

Age: 10+


The artwork, design and theme of a game can play a massive part in its success. Yes, there are those classics that perhaps could have done more with those three things however now, more than ever; we have new releases that are pure works of art. PARKS is one such example.

A labour of love

I love a good-looking game. Of course, it has to play well in addition to its good looks but it certainly plays a massive part in my decision-making when I come to judge a game. PARKS has been a collaboration between Keymaster Games and Fifty-Nine Parks, the artists behind the beauty of the game. Fifty-Nine Parks, for those that don’t know, are a group of artists who are committed to celebrating the beauty and splendour of National Parks. They have been running a print series which contains a beautiful set of artwork. Depicting a whole selection of the parks. Their commitment is such that 5% of all sales go to the preservation of these parks.

The quality shines through

PARKS pays homage to these National treasures in a board game format, and right from the start. We have to talk about the sheer beauty of this game! It is clear when taking off the cellophane wrap that a lot of thought has gone into this game. I remember when I first lifted the lid on PARKS, my jaw dropped. The contents has been meticulously considered and laid out in such a way that setting up and packing away is enjoyable! It is such things as being able to easily take the tokens and pieces out of the tray by simply pressing on the side of the component.

The use of the GameTrayz means you won’t have to worry about where to put your tokens on the table. Each component has its own unique place within the box meaning you won’t be found trying to cram stuff back into the box. Yes, this isn’t the first time we have seen a lot of thought being put into how to store and present the game in the box, but this is certainly the MOST thoughtful design I have ever seen!

Alongside the perfect logistics of storing the game, you then have the actual beauty displayed on the cards. If you look at the second to last page of the rulebook, you will find a list of artists who have thrown their passion into this project and the fruits of their labour are clear for all to see. I spent the first half an hour after opening the game just admiring the beauty on each of the Park cards. You can tell this board game is the result of a labour of love and that just warms my insides when I get to sit and admire the various works on show in this game.

Alongside this artwork, you get a production value that is second to none. The first player token is a metal token with an enamel finish, itself being a beautiful addition to the game. The wooden tokens are well-produced, with the 12 unique wildlife tokens being a particular standout component. Everything about this game in terms of its looks and quality has been developed in such a beautiful way. I would say to most that this game is worth getting just for the artwork alone, but of course, a board game has to play well in addition to looking good. So, does it play well?

Parks-Components Credit to- Keymaster Games

How does it play?

In my opinion, it does, to a point. In terms of the game itself, you will find a worker-placement game at its core. Players control two hikers that must hike across a seasonal trail that changes each round, becoming longer each season. Along this trail, players will be able to take actions, such as obtaining resources or taking photos for points or filling canteens to activate abilities which will benefit them throughout the game. The resources gained during the walking of the trail can then be used to visit certain parks that are available on the board.

To visit a park, you must spend the resources listed on the Park’s card, that card then being worth points at the end of the game. Of course, you may find a Park that will benefit your end-game bonus but you can’t afford to visit it. You can then look at reserving the Park, ready for visiting at a later point throughout the game.

The end of the trail will allow players to either reserve a Park, visit a Park, or buy gear, cards that can offer a one-off bonus, as well as an on-going perk. There are bonuses for those that finish the trail first, netting additional resources once they finish that current trail.

The game itself, as a worker placement, plays well. It has all the elements a worker placement game should have and uses them in a way that produces a satisfactory outcome. I can’t ignore the fact thought that I wanted a little more from this game. It is fair to say, PARKS is definitely pitched as more of a family game than anything else. You are not going to find a super-light, quick-to-play game in PARKS; it certainly is on the heavier end of a family game. For me though, I just feel like it wasn’t heavy enough, at least not as heavy as my expectations were.

This is not a bad game, by any means. It’s a good game and I did enjoy playing it. There are just a few things that pull it down that you will struggle to avoid. Its lightness can be a turn off for some, but that shouldn’t mean you don’t ever consider playing it. I think the biggest thing for me was lack of direction a player would have during the game.

You do get given a Years card at the beginning of the game. This will give each player a goal to achieve and easier and a harder goal provided on each card. That will score points at the end if achieved. In my first game, I was lucky with mine as the Park cards were kind. I managed to net all the parks I needed. My partner on the other hand had a hell of a time, only managing to get one Park with the associated resource dictated by the end-goal, simply due to the random nature of the Park cards being drawn.

While a slight disparity is to be expected, there seemed to be a massive difference between our success and I felt the randomness removes a sense of enjoyment from the game, so much so that players may switch off, especially as the direction they are given simply cannot be achieved.

Parks-Cards Credit to- Keymaster Games

Final thoughts

While this can be a downfall for the game at times, I have to say, I did enjoy playing PARKS. What it lacks in a sense of direction for players, it makes up for in looks and production value! PARKS is a thing of beauty and I wish more games would take the time to look at what PARKS really is. A homage to a passion shared by a collection of people. They have worked to develop and produce a game that demonstrates their passion and love for the National Parks.

It is safe to say that this game is certainly a bit of eye candy. But it is also a fantastic family game in addition to that. Personally, it will be a game that I play with my family during a holiday. Or a game I will get out to introduce people to the hobby. OK, it won’t be a go-to for me, but overall, I love PARKS. I think it has achieved a quality balance between, looks and function. Something we don’t often see, or at least to the level that PARKS has achieved. A delightfully looking game, with wholesome gameplay and a game that won’t disappoint!

Parks-Pieces Credit to- Keymaster games

At the time of writing, we’re still in the midst of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Trips away and idyllic plans got put on pause. We’ve had to cancel holidays, and travelling to far-flung places is a case of fuhgeddaboudit. It’s fortunate then that Parks allows you to visit national parks around the US, from the comfort of your own home. If you’re not familiar with this game already, fear not. I’ll be explaining how to play Parks from set-up to conclusion.

The stunning art direction comes from the Fifty-Nine Parks team. Your two hikers trek the span of the United States of America. You’ll marvel at the charming wooden components that sit inside the classy Gametrayz insert. You’ll bask in the phenomenal visuals on the 48 Park cards up for grabs. You’ll nod your head in satisfaction at the class that oozes out of this title from Keymaster Games. While you might not be in said breathtaking locations, you’ll make memories of your own when playing Parks.

So double-knot your laces and fill up your canteen with water (or something stronger, we won’t judge). Leave the map at home. Let’s go for a wonderful, meandering hike along the trails within these areas of natural beauty. Join me as we learn how to play Parks!

How Do You Win?

Before we start, what’s the aim of Parks? It’s always wise to establish how to win a board game, when digesting the rules – or explaining them to others! Parks is a worker placement game for 1-5 players, with elements of set collection. The game lasts for four rounds – ‘Seasons’ – and during this time, you’ll aim to visit national parks. You’ll earn tokens, take photos, use hiking gear, and spend tokens to claim park cards. The player with the most points at the end of the fourth season wins the game.

Sigh With Happiness During Set-Up

Before I show you how to play Parks, I’ll explain how to set-up the game. Place the board in the middle of the table. The two Gametrayz can sit either side of the board, with the wooden tokens already inside them. No need for a messy table with overspilling pieces! Ahh, bliss. The Parks cards are the larger, Tarot-sized deck. Shuffle them and draw three face-up, at the top of the board. Allow your eyes to linger at their beauty for a moment, and then continue setting up the game!

Shuffle the Gear deck. Again, draw three cards from it and place them face-up beneath the Parks cards. There’s subtle iconography on the board, signalling where to place the Parks and Gear decks. (The right-hand side of the board.) Likewise, the Canteens deck and the Seasons deck sit on the left-hand side of the board.

Shuffle and then turn over the top card from the Seasons deck. Next, shuffle the Canteen cards and deal one to each player. Players keep this face-up in front of them. The final cards are the Year deck. Shuffle them and deal out two to every player. These are private objectives. Players pick one to keep and discard the other to the box.

Building This Season’s Trail

Next, create the Trail for the first Season itself. Separate the five Basic Sites (add the sixth if playing with 4-5 players) from the four Advanced Sites. Pick one of the Advanced Sites, blind, and add it to the Basic Sites. Shuffle them and then place them between the Trailhead and the Trail End. These Site Tiles are cardboard chevrons; they tesselate to form a row.

Each player gets a Campfire and two Hiker meeples of their colour. Their Hikers start on the Trailhead tile. Assign a starting player and give them the triangular First Hiker Marker. The player to the right of the First Hiker starts with the Camera. That’s set-up complete: now it’s time to start trekking! Let’s learn how to play Parks.

And Now For Something Completely British: What’s The Weather Like?

Remember that Season card you flipped over? Sat in its bottom-right corner is a weather forecast. This is a pattern combination of Sunshine and Water. Ignoring the first Trail Tile (and the Trailhead and Trail End), place one token per tile, left to right. Match and repeat the weather pattern according to the Season card. You should now have single tokens across five of the six Trail Tiles. (Or six of seven, if playing with higher player counts, as stated earlier.)

Also stated on the Season card is an effect that comes into play for this first season alone. It could be something such as gaining extra resources in particular circumstances. Or, some Park cards could come with token discounts if claimed this Season. But more about that later!

Relight My Fire; That Park Card Is My Only Desire

The player with the First Hiker Marker goes first. They move one of their Hikers to one of the Site Tiles of their choice. They get to take the action stated on the tile when they land there. Then the next player moves one of their Hikers to a vacant tile and performs the action there. No two Hikers can share the same tile – unless you spend your Campfire token. Flip it so the flames become extinguished! Now you can visit an occupied tile. You can’t repeat this trait until you channel your inner 1990s Take That, and ‘relight your fire’.

It’s important to note that your Hikers move left to right. You don’t have to move to the immediate next tile; you can skip one or many of them if you want. But if you do skip some, this means that Hiker cannot then turn back and visit tiles to the left (behind you) later on. Theme-wise, you’re hiking in one direction, from point A (the Trailhead) to point B (the Trail End).

Most of the Basic Sites provide you with tokens: 2x Sunshine, 2x Water, 1x Forest, or 1x Mountain. So, straight away, you know that Trees and Mountains are harder to acquire than Sunshine and Water. Take these tokens from the Gamestrayz. You can have a maximum of 12 at any one time. If you’re the first to land on Site Tiles with the free ‘weather’ token, claim it as a bonus.

Why do you want these tokens? Remember, you want to buy Park cards. Each of the three Park cards that you dealt during set-up states the number of tokens required to Visit it. They’re worth varying victory points. The more points they are worth, the tougher token requirements, or quantity. I’ll explain how you claim these cards later. But first… Let me take a selfie!

Swig Your Water And Take Memories With You

One Basic Site along the Trail doesn’t provide resources. Instead, it shows the Canteen icon and a photography icon. You can perform one of these actions. Pick the Canteen option and you draw the top Canteen card and place it face-up in front of you. See how there’s a Water silhouette on the flask? If you gained a Water token this turn, you can use it to fill up this Canteen. Place the token on the Canteen card – or an earlier-claimed Canteen. Now you can gain the action stated on that Canteen card. (Usually, it’s gain bonus resources.)

Instead, if you pick the photos option, you give in any two of your tokens to take a photo (worth 1VP). You also claim the Camera from whoever had it last. If you already had the Camera, snap! The Camera owner only has to pay a mere single token to take a pic.

What’s The Deal With Those Advanced Site Tiles?

Advanced Site Tiles offer different actions. Of course, only one of these will be in your game right now, for this first Season. (Spoiler alert: the others will enter the game later! But more about that further down.) The four Advanced Site Tiles offer the following actions when you land on them:

  • Give up any regular token in exchange for a Wildlife token. (The hint is in the name; they’re wild! As in, they can stand for any token type.)
  • Give up any regular token and exchange it for a different regular token type of your choice. You can do this twice.
  • Either: a) Reserve/Visit a Park card, or b) Buy one of the three face-up Gear cards.
  • Give up a Water token to mirror the action of any other Site Tile. Provided, that is, there’s another Hiker present there.

Reaching The Trail’s End

At some point, you’ll either run out of Trail, or you’ll opt to move one of your Hikers to the Trail End. When you move here, you’re presented with a few options, and you can perform any one of them. You could decide to Reserve a Park. To do this, you place your Hiker in the top space on the Trail End. If you’re the first player to place in this option this season, you also claim the First Hiker Token for next Season. Later players can also Reserve Park cards too, but not with an extra benefit.

Reserving a Park means taking one of the three face-up Park cards and place it in front of you. (Or you can gamble and Reserve the top card of the deck, blind.) Reserving is different to Visiting a Park. Reserving is taking a Park card that you plan to fulfil later – like you would in, say, Splendor.

The second option is buying a Gear card instead. Remember you dealt three out during set-up? Gear cards provide game-long benefits in Parks, or provide immediate rewards. They might be permanent discounts off Visiting Park cards. Or they might be means to fill your Canteens at certain points. There are 36 of them, so plenty of variety! Gear cards cost a range of Sunshine tokens. Are you the first player to place in this option this season? You gain one Sunshine token (so a -1 discount, if you like). Later players can also buy Gear cards, but don’t get the Sunshine token benefit.

The final option is to Visit a Park. This means paying the specific tokens to claim a Park card for its points. This can either be from the three face-up Park cards or one you might have Reserved, earlier. If a Park gets Reserved or Visited from the board, replace it with another from the deck.

Enjoy Your Hike, By All Means… But Don’t Dawdle!

You have two Hikers, remember. Once your first hiker reaches the Trail End, you get to flip your Campfire token alight again. (So once again, if you want, you can visit an occupied tile). When it comes to moving your Hikers, you can move one on one turn, and the other on a later turn. Or, you could move one again and again – the choice is yours. Once both of your Hikers reach the Trail End, you’re done for the Season.

On the flip-side, you might not want to dawdle too long, though. Once there’s only one Hiker left on the Trail, they have to join the rest on the Trail End and pick an action. (So they miss out on any further Site Tile actions.) Some players might rush to the end, to prevent other players from hoovering up multiple actions en-route to the Trail End. After this, the player with Camera gets another opportunity to take a photo (costing any one token). Then it’s time to start a new Season…

Prepping For The Next Season Is A Breeze

There’s a little bit of next-round prep. Remove any Water tokens from Canteens and return them to the supply. All Hikers return back to the Trailhead. Pick up all the Site Tiles – discard any bonus tokens on them, if any. Add in another Advanced Site Tile. Shuffle them, and then place them out to create a new trail order for the new Season. It will be one tile longer than the previous Season.

Return the Season card to the bottom of that deck and reveal a new one. This will state a new weather pattern. Once again, skip the first Site Tile, but obey the Weather Pattern for the remaining tiles. Also, note the new Season-long benefit/trait as stated on this Season card. The First Hiking Marker denotes the first player, who moves one of their Hikers. And the game continues…

Park Life

Now you know how to play Parks, but how do you win? At the end of the fourth season, it’s time for final scoring. You score the points shown on any Park cards you Visited. Bad luck if you didn’t Visit any Reserved Park cards – they don’t score. It’s no good Reserving all the expensive Park cards – at some point, you have to Visit (pay for) them!

Players earn 1VP per photo they snapped. Whoever has the First Hiker Marker scores 1VP. Also, reveal your Year card and see if you achieved your personal goal on it. They’re worth between 2-3VP, depending on how well you did. The player with the most points wins! If there’s a tie, then the player who Visited the most Parks wins. Although having spent time feasting your eyes on the wonderful artwork, everyone’s a winner having played a game of Parks!

In PARKS you take on the role of two hikers exploring different trails throughout the four seasons, collecting memories in the forms of different shaped tokens, taking photos, buying gear, and eventually turning in your memory tokens to visit one of the many United States National Parks.

Solo Gameplay Overview

In the solo variant of PARKS, the player will be hiking alongside a set of two park rangers, represented by a pair of hikers of your choosing.

The player will be moving down a trail to locations of their choosing collecting shaped tokens from the space they are on in order to collect enough to visit one of the three revealed park cards and collect it for its end-of-game value. The player will also have a year objective card that gives them bonus points for achieving it, these can be to do with the type of tokens used to visit parks, the amount of tokens used, or even gear they have purchased.

The Rangers movement is based on the gear deck, at the start of the game you do not set up the gear market slots as in a multiplayer game, instead on the ranger’s turn you reveal the top card of the gear deck and the sun icon cost determines how many spaces they will move from one to three. You determine which ranger to move depending on whether the lead ranger is ahead or behind the player.

As the rangers move down the trail they will pick up any weather-based tokens on the spaces they land on, these will be placed on a ranger tracker card and will correspond to an event card from the solo/ranger deck. Every time they collect three of either the sun token or the water token they trigger the current event card, this will affect the player in some way, usually negatively impacting them.

The reaching the trail end works very similarly for the player while when a ranger reaches the end of the trail the space and action they take is determined by the gear cost of the card that got them to the end of the trail, eliminating certain parks and blocking end of trail spaces.

At the end of the game, you total the points on your parks, photos, and year objective cards and compare it to the score chart in the rule book which will give you a ranking based on how well you did. Allowing you to aim for a better score or rank the next time you play.

How it Plays

Overall the PARKS solo variant plays very well and emulates the multiplayer game while not feeling like a lesser version. The game has the same clear objectives and goals as the main game while also having enough variation in the parks and objectives deck that you aren’t always playing the same exact game each time.

The solo game manages to mostly keep the calm exploring feel that you will know from the main game and the theme is just as present as the main if not slightly more so with the idea of the park rangers, I made mine the green hikers to lean into the ranger theme. The solo game plays fairly quickly especially if you have played the main game before so you are only learning the solo side of things but even so, I don’t think this game would be hard to learn for a completely new person to the game.

The game is structured around some fairly basic and easy-to-lean mechanisms such as ratchet movement and set collecting and even presents them in a friendly way for newcomers but doesn’t get held back by the theme and the gameplay is so well integrated that unless you step back and really analyse what you are doing you don’t notice that it lacks the complexity of other games, which proves that you don’t need to over complicate a game to make it engaging both on a solo and multiplayer level.

However, I do have some small issues with the changes made with the solo mode versus the multiplayer game. The biggest one for me is the solo deck events, these add a potentially negative event that doesn’t exist in the main game, at no point in multiplayer can another player make you discard all of a certain type of token, or discard down to just four tokens. It feels like adding a level of difficulty and stress to the game that wasn’t needed in my opinion and takes away from the calm pretty game I had come to love, it makes me focus less on my objectives and more on whether me not going after the seasonal tokens is going to come back at me if the ranger manages to get there first.

Having the rangers remove weather tokens, parks from the market, and block spaces works well as a way to emulate the main game, the ranger events just add something slightly unneeded for a lot of players. I feel like you could play without it and have it more as an optional way to add more challenge to players not as part of the standard difficulty.

My other issue with the solo gameplay is the way the gear deck replaces the market, as you draw for the rangers you place the gear in a slot depending on its cost, which means the open market doesn’t really exist, the gear gets switched out so often that I found myself ignoring it, especially alongside worrying about the rangers events. It changes at a rate that even a 5 player game would never really have so doesn’t emulate that from the multiplayer game very well. I feel like having a set of gear separate from the Ranger’s move actions that refresh at the end of the season would be more beneficial.

Both of these issues can be sorted with some level of house rules if you find you are having the same issues as me but I would recommend trying it once or twice the normal way and deciding for yourself.


If you have played the game before on a multiplayer game you know that the components and art for this game is on a very high level. They thought through everything in this box from the stained wood token pieces, to the game trays, to how the game fits in its box they made the components a priority for this game.

The park art is part of an art project called The Fifty-Nine Parks that commissioned many different artists to make posters and other art for each of the United States National Parks, so the art on those cards are arguably on a higher level than most games.

The only new components for the solo mode that you would not have used in multiplayer are the cards in the solo/ranger deck, which are on par with the other mini-cards in the box

But I’ve Never Visited An American National Park

This game is a great play whether or not you have visited any of the American National Parks. So long as you can understand the theme of hiking and like pretty art then you are fine. Yes, you might get a little extra joy seeing a park you have visited in real life come up but otherwise, this game uses the parks as part of the theme and not part of the mechanisms.

Final Thoughts

The solo mode for this game does a fairly good job of emulating the main game allowing the gameplay to feel like the same experience and not like you are playing a different game as with some solo modes. The game does try to add a new mechanism to add a new level of challenge for solo players, this new mechanism might work for you it might not and can easily be removed if it is taking away from your enjoyment of the game.

The game is gorgeous and relaxing a perfect game to play when you don’t feel like an overly challenging game but still want to feel like you accomplished something by the end.

I think PARKS is a great addition to someone’s collection whether they just play solo or they also play multiplayer. The game is fairly simple to learn but with enough variety to allow each playthrough to bring variety to the game.

Zatu Score


  • Artwork
  • Complexity
  • Replayability
  • Player Interaction
  • Component Quality

You might like

  • Stunning Artwork
  • Production quality is out of this world
  • A light, family friendly worker placement

Might not like

  • The game can be too light at times
  • The end-of-game goals can be impossible in some games