Deluxe Referee's Screen: Old-School Essentials

Deluxe Referee’s Screen: Old-School Essentials

RRP: £18.99
Now £16.32(SAVE 14%)
RRP £18.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Category Tag SKU ZBG-EFP03004 Availability Backorder
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The Essential Old-School Referee's Screen!
This deluxe 3-panel screen provides a quick reference to the most common rules and procedures needed to run Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy or Advanced Fantasy games (or any other game based on the classic 1981 Basic/Expert rules):

Master attack matrix.
Saving throw tables for monsters and all Classic Fantasy character classes.
Combat rules summary.
Procedures for encounters, dungeon adventures, and wilderness adventures.
Summary of options available during downtime between adventures.
Tables for thief skills and turning the undead.
Weapon combat stats, armour types, and rules for common adventuring gear.
Master movement rate table, listing base, encounter, and overland movement rates.