Art Play

Art Play

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Play with art like never before in this exciting new activity book from the bestselling author of the Let’s Make Some Great Art series.

Discover the joys of making your own marbled paper. Create your own language in pictures. Invent your own colour combinations. Design intriguing visual illusions. Providing hours of endless fun and exploration, Art Play will bring out the artist in everyone.

Marion Deuchars has created a sensational and engaging range of activities and games organised into seven themed chapters – Drawing, Colour, Shapes, Paint, Paper, Printing and Pattern. Each chapter is not only a great opportunity to play, but also helps to shape and form artistic ability and confidence.Great value for money – seven chapters, 50 unique activities, 224 pages at sketchbook size!Hours of fun for creative children – activities include drawing, colouring, working with shapes, making paper, and making your own prints and patternsCreative learning – allows children to learn about different art techniques in fun and engaging waysBoost your child’s confidence – your child will learn new things and gain confidence in their artistic and creative abilitiesScreen-free fun for the whole family – boys and girls will enjoy hours of fun without a screen in sight!Marion Deuchars has a globally recognisable illustration style. Her hand-lettering and illustrations have been used on advertising campaigns from Samsung to HP, and her books have won six awards for design and illustration. She is a member of the Alliance Graphique Internationale. Her books include the bestselling Let’s Make Some Great Art series, Bob the Artist, Bob’s Blue Period, Bob Goes Pop, and Draw Paint Print Like the Great Artists.