After two enormously successful Kickstarter and Gamefound campaigns, the creators of Nemesis and its stand-alone sequel Nemesis: Lockdown have announced that this alien adventure has not quite finished. Awaken Realms, the brains behind the Nemesis series, have announced a third instalment, Nemesis Retaliation, which is expected to hit Gamefound by the end of this year.
Following a group travelling across the stars, the Nemesis games sees players try to fulfil their own selfish goals, all while trying to survive the ever-looming threat of deadly aliens. Having moved from the original setting of a malfunctioning star ship to a more fixed Martian base, there is no telling what hostile environment the anticipated third game could put players up against. In fact, Awaken Realms have been keeping their cards close to their chest, revealing surprisingly little as to what Nemesis: Retaliation has in store. However, if the previous two games are anything to go by, fans of the franchise are likely on track for a big box filled with even bigger gameplay. With a huge range of gameplay possibilities, fans will likely be eager to see what December will bring in terms of any further announcements from Awaken Realms about the Gamefound release.