Building Asajj Ventress was pretty easy and self explanatory, the only downsides to the way this model is put together is the lack of options for the model, being careful with her lightsabers as they could snap if not clipped off carefully enough and the lack of instructions. Since atomic mass games have taken over the reigns of star wars legion they have made many improvements and only the minor problem of removing the clear instructions which include details of unique key words and how to build the model. In their place they have put in a simple sheet which shows a clear design of the model and an art piece of the poster for the character.
Asajj Ventress is a model that is mostly easy to paint with the most challenging aspect of the model being her skin which is white, to paint her I followed these steps:
- Naggorath night - the entire model, but will be used for the best bulk of her clothes
- Druchii violet - used to shade the clothes of the model but safer to cover her entirely so as to not miss a spot
- Genestealer purple - highlights over the clothes to create a clearer detail leaving the recesses to create detail
- Abbadon black - painting on the belt looped around her and the attached flowing robe at the front
- Retributor gold - covering the detail on the belt and robe at the front
- Reikland fleshade - covering the gold details to make them stand out
- Leadbelcher - covering the metal hilts of her lightsabers
- Mephiston red - the red of the lightsabers
- Corax white - covering the cloth around her waist and her skin
- Nuln oil - covering both the hilts and the red of the lightsabers and thinned down to cover all the white of both the skin and cloth around her waist.
Asajj Ventress brings an interesting character to the board with her new operative model for the separatist alliance, like most force wielders she has the standard powers of jump and a strong melee weapon. What is unique about her is the combination of other key words, like deflect and Jar Kai mastery. These two in combination with the keyword independent:dodge really encourages her to be a unit that is not given orders but instead relies on her skills of independence to make more of an impact on the match. This both makes her interesting to play and makes her feel more suited to her animated counterpart who always felt like a wild card for the separatists, going off on her own.
What of her command cards, first to mention she brings one that is actually for Count Dooku which is used to make them work together which is very fitting. Her other three work very much like you would expect all with their unique benefits, her three pip is designed to work as a power up for her permanently, she can either become a fierce fighter on the field or turn into something of a bounty hunter allowing her to fully focus on one foe. Her two pip is designed for use when she is trapped within the heat of battle, she gets to recover and use a powerful attack on a nearby foe and lastly her one pip is designed to work as a up close powerup, a one round boost to let her finish off her foes.
Overall Asajj Ventress is a very cool and animated accurate addition to your separatist army, a unique figure that can become very different for each battle and encourages different play styles for how to use her.