Enhance Tabletop RPGs Dice Tray & Case Collector's Edition (Purple)

Enhance Tabletop RPGs Dice Tray & Case Collector’s Edition (Purple)

RRP: £57.49
Now £44.29(SAVE 22%)
RRP £57.49
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Forged from the spoils of war using techniques from an age long forgotten, the Collector’s Edition DnD Dice Tray and Dice Case is upgraded with the power of Dragon Scales for its exterior. The Collector’s Edition also comes with a collectible metal charm keychain and holographic sticker to mark the exclusivity of your Collector’s Edition Dice Tray. Show off your re…
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Category Tags , , , SKU ZBG-ENTTCED200PREW Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Forged from the spoils of war using techniques from an age long forgotten, the Collector's Edition DnD Dice Tray and Dice Case is upgraded with the power of Dragon Scales for its exterior. The Collector's Edition also comes with a collectible metal charm keychain and holographic sticker to mark the exclusivity of your Collector's Edition Dice Tray. Show off your reward with the detachable metal charm that can be taken anywhere.