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NEWS: Golden Geek Nominees

golden geek nominees

It’s time once again for the Board Game Geek Golden Geek awards! Around this time every year, BGG opens up the internet to a wide discussion on which are the best board games in any given category and other board game related media. This year, there are 15 awards, for which the nominees are chosen by you. Yes, you! The gamer at home. Assuming you went onto BGG and nominated in the last month, of course. If you didn’t, well, you can vote for the game you think deserves to win. These are awards nominated and voted on by gamers so once you’re done reading here, you can go ahead and vote! Where possible, I’ve included the Zatu link so you can see the game for yourself and our thoughts.  

2-Player Game 

Artwork & Presentation 

Cooperative Game 



Light Game Of The Year 

Medium Game Of The Year 

Heavy Game Of The Year 

Party Game 

Print & Play 

  • Aquamarine
  • Birdscaping
  • Copperdale
  • Doctor Who: Solitaire Story Game (Third Edition)
  • The Old Prince 1871
  • Shu's Tactics
  • Sunshine City
  • A Wayfarer's Tale
  • Woodcraft: Roll and Write 

Solo Game 

Thematic Game 


Best Podcast 

  • Board Games Insider
  • Five Games for Doomsday
  • Beyond Solitaire
  • Blue Peg, Pink Peg
  • Board Game BBQ
  • Board Game Hot Takes
  • Board Game Snobs
  • Decision Space
  • Game Brain: A Board Game Podcast About Our Gaming Group
  • One Stop Co-Op Shop
  • Rolling Dice & Taking Names Gaming Podcast
  • Sporadically Board with Mike and Dan
  • Talk Cardboard
  • This Game Is Broken
  • Board Game Blitz 

Best Board Game App