Over the weekend, Restoration Games, the company who publishes games like Fireball Island, Downforce and Unmatched, released a teaser trailer for an upcoming Kickstarter. In the video, we see an old-timey radio sat on a table. The news broadcast warns of some creatures in town, a giant ant, a frog-like man leaping, puddles of acid and webbing everywhere. There seems to be no reason for these appearances, only that the creatures are following their leaders’ commands. A giant spider leg drops down behind the window.
Fade to black and the logo for Unmatched Adventures is shown with a Kickstarter date of 23/03/23. (It actually says 3/23/23, but I’m British so I had to translate it.) We don’t actually know anything about what will happen with Unmatched Adventures yet, but it’s possible Restoration Games is going to a similar route to what Thunderworks Games did with Roll Player Adventures, a game where you could take the character you created and send them off on an RPG style story. This is pure speculation on the basis of a similar name, so I’ll come back with an update for you when the Kickstarter goes live but for now, let’s get hyped.