Attack on Titan: Harsh Mistress Pt.2 - (Paperback)

Attack on Titan: Harsh Mistress Pt.2 – (Paperback)

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This sequel to the manga series features an entirely new cast and setting. With Wall Maria breeched, communities within the Quinta district have been cut off from each other creating famine and chaos. A young field commander named Rita is tasked with a mission to reconnect transit across the massive district while putting her troops and residence right in the vanguard as Titans desc…
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This sequel to the manga series features an entirely new cast and setting. With Wall Maria breeched, communities within the Quinta district have been cut off from each other creating famine and chaos. A young field commander named Rita is tasked with a mission to reconnect transit across the massive district while putting her troops and residence right in the vanguard as Titans descend on her town.