Stranger Things Omnibus Volume 1 (graphic Novel)

Stranger Things Omnibus Volume 1 (graphic Novel)

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The Other Side follows Will after he has been pulled into a mysterious nightmare realm. In Six, we dive into the lives of the psychic kids being held at the mysterious government lab in Hawkins, Indiana. In Into the Fire, some of the teens who escaped find out that another of their number might yet still be alive and must choose between vengeance and mercy in the hopes of saving a f…
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The Other Side follows Will after he has been pulled into a mysterious nightmare realm. In Six, we dive into the lives of the psychic kids being held at the mysterious government lab in Hawkins, Indiana. In Into the Fire, some of the teens who escaped find out that another of their number might yet still be alive and must choose between vengeance and mercy in the hopes of saving a friend. In Science Camp, Dustin. arrives at Camp Know Where anxious about the summer before he gathers a crew of fellow geeks to save their camp from a spooky masked figure making camp counselors disappear.